For today’s phonic session, start off by revisiting our super sound ‘igh'. See if you can say it in a loud voice? Haunted voice? Dog voice? I have added some pictures of words with igh below . See if you can sound the words out after you’ve said them. For example - night = n-igh-t. Can you read them all?
Now look below at the red and green words in the story. These are the green and red words that you will find in the book. So start of by reading these through to help with the fluency when you get started.
We are now going to start our new book ‘Big Blob and Baby Blob’ and read the first two pages. Take your time and use your phonics to help you segment and blend the words.
Now you’ve read the next 2 pages, see if you can answer these questions below:
What red words did you see?
Who did Big Blob go to the shops with?
How is Big Blob feeling at the shops?
What colour is Baby Blob?
Does Baby Blob look cheeky? How do you know?