For topic today, we are going to think back to the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. Find the youtube link below with the story attached and listen carefully to the story. Think about the different order of fruits and events.
You are then going to cut up a piece of paper into square and find some colouring pencils, pastels or felt tips and make you own sequencing cards of the story. You can make as little or many as you would like. Below is an example of mine which is the beginning of the story.
Once you have drawn the pictures, see if you can add simple labels or short sentences to retell the story yourself. Pick and choose which bits of the story you want to include but make sure they are in the right order. Remember to use your phonic sounds when writing the labels and see if you can do this independently when writing.
If you don't want to make your own pictures then I have added a PDF of simple sequencing cards from twinkl which you can print and cut up. The link to this document is also - If you use these pictures still try and add your own sentences below.