So, Thursday is forest school! This means we are going to do our topic learning outside today. We are going make a minibeast obstacle course for our friendly bugs. No bugs will be harmed in the making of this. Make sure you have gentle and friendly hands. What is an obstacle course? Discuss with your Robin and see what their ideas of one is.
Firstly, find a basket, bucket or pot and go and collect some natural materials from outside. This could be sticks, leaves or stones. Have a look below at the different materials I collected.
You are then going to build your very own, simple minibeast obstacle course for a bug to complete. Below is a picture of my one. It has a starting line (leaf) and finishing line (another leaf) and a few obstacles for the bug to get around. In the pictures I have used a fake spider as I couldn't find many bug in my garden. Then I carefully found a snail and put him on the course but he went the wrong way.
Once you've finished yours find a bug in your garden and give it a go. When you're finished make sure you find the bug a nice new house or add it in to your bug hotel. Please be kind and gentle to our nature... no prodding or squishing the bugs.
Alternatively, you could just build the obstacle course and not get a bug or you could build an obstacle course for yourself and dress up as a bug. You choose...