For topic today, we are going to think about our spiders again today and in particular incy wincy spider. Start by listening to the song on youtube with the link below and then play it again and see if you can join in and sing it with an adult. Can you add you own actions to the song?
Then, for our task today we are going to make our own drain pipes and wash incy wincy spider down them. Below is a picture/suggestion of everything you will need. You can be inventive and make your own drain pipe with our materials if you want to. You need bottles, sellotape, scissors, a plastic bug or home made from something and a jug of water.
So, I made mine by firstly drawing a line around the top and bottom of the bottles. I then asked an adult to cut the bottom and top of my big plastic bottles following the lines. I then attached these together, putting one inside the other and adding sellotape to secure them and you're ready to go.
Now go to a sink with your drain pipe, spider and jug of water. Place the spider at the top of the drain pipe and wash it away by pouring the water from the jug down it. Did the spider move? Repeat again but this time singing the song.