Maths - Tuesday 24th March


Make a number line from 1-10 using objects and the numerals 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. You could make a number line using small toys, numicon  or bricks etc. - make it as fun and exciting as you can (unlike mine- you can tell I don’t have children at home)! Then encourage your Robin to write the numbers underneath (see below) or use mine!

numicon number line.JPG

After get a favourite toy (a penguin obviously!) and sit it on top of one of the numbers. Ask the children what it one more than this number? Can you find one more than 3? Can you find one more than 6?


Extension : Can you write the number sentences go with one more? 3+1=4. Be creative – write them in  bean sauce or keep clean and use paper (good for pencil grip)!

extension adding.JPG

Phonics - Tuesday 24th March

Fred needs help…

Go through super sounds video below and say the sounds out loud as you see them.

Then introduce/revise ch sound. Show the children the picture of Fred an ch or write it out on paper. Practise saying it.


Children to hear words with ch. Can you find these in your house?


Children to read words with ch.

ch words.JPG

Children to write the sound or words with ch in something slimy (washing up liquid, shampoo) .

Extension: Can children write simple sentences independently with ch? Ask them to write however it may appear - The dog can chop.

 If your Robin finds this too easy then don’t forget to look at Year 1’s Phonic Blog!

Hello Robins From Home...

Good morning to my lovely chirpy Robins and their parents!


Hope you are all well and enjoyed your weekend in the BEAUTIFUL sunshine. This is all a bit weird and crazy but as a team we are going to continue our Robins education as best and as sparkly , in true Miss Hall style, as we can. Every morning I will post a reading/writing task, maths challenge and topic for your child to complete but remember our curriculum is underpinned by play, so the more its a game and driven by your child’s interests the better!

Keep safe and smiling and remember… whenever there is a dull moment then just add glitter or a penguin haha!

Miss Hall x

African Music

On Tuesday, Robins’ listened to an African Chant and had a go at learning it. After we added drums and shakers to the chant to see if we could follow the music. Robins were very good at keeping a steady beat. Our challenge now is to see if we can make up our own chant…


World Book Day!


Robins’ loved world book day! We made a HUGE reading den in our classroom alongside the rest of the school. We made it super cosy with our teddies and blankets. Then Robins’ teamed up with Year 6 and had they shared stories with one another. To finish the day Mr Ind got in our den and read us a story!


Belgium student


We had a very special visitor come and talk to us in our learning time. He was from Belgium and he told us all about his life back at home. Robins’ were very interested and asked great questions. We found out that in Belgium they have yummy waffles with all sorts of sweet toppings YUM!

Did the gingerbread man survive?

This afternoon robins turned into scientist and tried to find the best material for our biscuit (gingerbread man) to floats across the river on. We tried paper but that absorbed the water and sunk. We then tried a building block but again that just sunk straight to the bottom. Lastly we tried a plastic lid and we got thumbs all round! Our biscuit floated to the other side… YAY


New Topic!

Robins have started their new topic ‘Will You Read Me A Story?’ And they are working hard on learning traditional fairytales. So far we have explored The Ginger Breadman and The Three Little Pigs. Robins’ have been busy making books, recreating gingerbreads and even made the pigs houses!


Art Week

This week Robins’ have been focusing on a painting called ‘The Battle of San Romano’ painted by Paolo Uccello. We had a big discussion on Monday about what we could see and what we would create. The children decided to focus their artwork on the knights in the picture and design castle for themselves as knights to live in. We also dressed up as knights using tin foil and made Miss Hall do it too!

Ice Lollies


Yesterday Robins’ made some delicious ice lollies to eat in the sun. We mixed water and juice then put them in the freezer to see what happened. Can you guess? THEY FROZE! We then ate them this afternoon… YUM YUM!
