Topic - Monday 11th

For topic today, start by listening to our story 'What the Ladybird Heard?'. Push play on the youtube video below…

After listening to the story, I would like you think about if you heard any rhyming words? Ask your Robin - Did you hear any words that rhyme? What is a rhyming word? Something that sounds the same and has similar endings. Allow time for them to share their ideas and examples. Then listen to the book again, encouraging them to join in with the rhyming words.

Display the pairs of rhyming words from the story for the children to match and read.

Then use the blank words to make your own rhyming word cards. For example ‘hen, pen’ and ‘duck, cluck’. Get the your Robin to have a go at writing the words using their phonic knowledge.


Maths - Monday 11th

This week in maths, we are going to think about and explore time. I would like you to think about your daily routine and what you do in a day at what time. Think about when you wake up. When you brush your teeth. When you have breakfast. When you have lunch. When you have dinner. When you go to bed.


My favourite penguin teddy is going to help us and show some pictures from his daily routine. Have a look at the PDF below and talk about what he is doing in each picture and what part of the day he might do it. Can you use the phrase 'in the morning', 'at lunch time', 'in the afternoon' and 'in the evening'.

Your task is to then make a timeline of your day to day activities. You can either take your own pictures (or your teddy) and talk about them or I have attached some pictures on PDF which you could print/look at and order. If you do your own pictures then you could make a short video on a phone or send some of the photos over to me. Have a go...


Google Classroom...

I’m not expecting you to look at this over the long weekend or before Monday but if you do then extra brownie points haha and if you could let other parents know it’s up that would be super.

Ok so first hurdle… some parents have let me know that the class code/password is not working and is saying there is an error. I have reset the code which means it generates a new one for us to try.

So to join a Robin Class you need to write in the NEW code which is - lymfn5z

My fingers are crossed or as we would say in Robins MAGIC FINGERS


Maths - Thursday 7th

For maths today, I would like you to continue learning outside in the sunshine. In my cupboard I found some very exciting chalks and thought we should use them to help with our subtraction number sentences. Hopefully you’ve got some chalk at home to help you, if not can you find something else to write with outside? You might use mud, water and paint brush or paper and stick it to the floor. Get creative!


Your first task is not order or write numbers 10-15. Think about which number comes where. You are then going to add objects from outside underneath each number. Remember to carefully count these. Have a look at mine below.


After, make a number from 1-10. Just like mine in the photo. Then ask an adult to make you a subtraction number sentence. I wrote mine on the floor. Find a toy or object and put it on the first number of your number sentence and then slither down the number sentence and take away the right amount. What number did you land on? That’s your answer. Have a look at my step-by-step example below.

Now have a go at these number sentences using the number line again:

  • 7 - 3 =

  • 4 - 2 =

  • 10 - 4 =

  • 9 - 2 =

Topic - Thursday 7th

Start the session off learning all about spiders. Watch this short clip all about spiders and see what facts you can try remember. You might want to find some spiders when making your task today.

leaf bugs.jpg

Forest school and topic task today is to creature your own ‘nature bugs’. You are going to go outside or whilst on your daily exercise and collect some natural materials such as sticks, leaves, pine cones etc. You are then going to use your forest imagination and turn these into beautiful bugs. Take a look…

  • Can you give your bug a name?

  • Can you explain what your bug is made from?

  • Can you say why your bug is so brilliant?

Google Classroom!

Good morning Robins,

Next week Robin class are going to move over to Google Classroom to access learning activities. The intention is for everyone to have moved over to using it by the end of the week. With that in mind, I will post work on both this blog and on Google classroom for this week but will discontinue using the blog for posting learning after Friday 15th May. The blog will revert to being used for short messages and photos etc, as it used to be.

Here is a youtube clip with everything you need to know about google classroom as a parent. Have a watch…

As our children are only 4/5 we won’t be using it in such a complex way but it gives you an idea.

So, now you have to create your own email in the format as set out in the guide (firstnamesurname). These have already been created by school but we are unable to add a list here for GDPR reasons. One or two of you have complicated surnames - if that is you, please contact the office to ask for the email details that have been created by school for you.

The classroom can be found at:

Password to join is: rhl4pac

P.S. Make sure you are logged out of all your google accounts.

I have added a screenshot of the front page of the classroom. This is from the ‘stream’ page. To access lessons, you need to click on ‘classwork’ (top, of screen, second from left). Nothing will come up until Monday 11th.


If you have any difficulties logging on or accessing Google classrooms please email Paul Hannan on for support.


Please get in touch if I can help you with the transition over. Sounds all very confusing but once you get the hang of it is very exciting and very organised.

Enjoy your long weekend in the sunshine.

Sparkly squidges

Miss Hall

Phonics - Thursday 7th


In phonics today we are going to finish our story ‘A Bad Fox’. Before we do that, Fred would like you to practice some ‘nk’ words with him. In the picture to the right there are 3 ‘nk’ words. Can you read them? Your challenge today is go and see if you can write these words, using your finger, in 3 different, yucky places …

  • In bubble bath

  • In slushy mud

  • In baking flour

Now it is time to read the last 2 pages of ‘A Bad Fox’. Have a look below to read the page with Fred. Remember to sight read red words and sound out words that are long or you may find tricky.


It’s your turn to listen to the whole story now read by me! Push the play button and listen carefully to what happens in the story. Once you’ve done that, have a go at answering these questions:

  • How does the story end?

  • What is Fox feeling?

  • Do you think it was fair for the Fox to be put in the pond?

  • How would you of helped the red hen?

  • Did you like or dislike the story and why?

Topic - Wednesday 6th

For topic today, you are going to have to have a rummage in your cupboards. You are going to make some insect PLAY DOUGH. If you don’t have the ingredients then don’t worry… either use play dough you might already have at home or simply do this task with another material such as junk modelling.

playdoguh insect.jpg

Here is the recipe for a simple play dough mix. On there is the ingredients and steps to make your very own play dough. This is a great activity because you will be using lots of vocabulary to describe the play dough whilst making it and lots of mathematical measurements too. Have a look at the steps below and give it a go…


Maths - Wednesday 6th

Ohh Nooo… I found these cards at the bottom of my bag and I’ve tried to put them in the right order but I just can’t. I need some super Robins to help me order them correctly. Can you point or rewrite the numbers and then put them in the right order?


For maths today, we are going to be using PEGS to practice our subtraction. So you will need some pegs, paper and something to attach the pegs too such as paper. Below are some videos explaining how to complete the peg maths. Have a look…

Now have a go at doing these number sentences below.


Phonics - Wednesday 6th

Oh my goodness… Fred the Frog has been into my cupboard AGAIN and made a mess with ketchup! What a cheeky frog. He has made mess but I can see he has written some ‘nk’ words with the ketchup - how clever. Can you read the words? You could even have a go yourself with a squirty bottle and something squishy liquid inside and then squeeze out to make your own words.


After you’ve had a go at reading the nk words. See if you can remember some of our trickier super sounds. Push play on the video to see if you can say the super sound linked to the different coloured numicons. How many can you get right?

It is now time to read the next two pages of our book ‘A bad fox’. Have a go and see what the naughty fox gets up to next. Use your super sounds to help you with any long or tricky words…



  • Who has come to rescue red hen?

  • What does the man do with the fox?

  • How do you think the hen is feeling now some has helped it?

  • What does the ! (exclamation mark) mean at the end of the sentences?

Topic - Tuesday 5th

Topic today, you are going to go and inspect your bug hotel outside. If you didn’t get to build one then don’t worry either build one or go on a bug hunt. Very carefully look inside and see if you can see any bug living in there. If you can super - Can you tell an adult what you saw? See if you can use the phrase ‘I can see a…’


If there are no bugs living there yet then don’t panic… it might take time. Either go on a bug hunt or use the picture below using the same phrase - ‘I can see a…’

We are then going to turn these words into sentences on paper, chalk or paint. Can you write sentences about what you can see? Below I have attached special insect paper to write your sentences. The link is on twinkl - Use the simple sentence ‘I can see a…’

Remember to be independent and use your phonic knowledge when writing the beginning and end of your sentences (if it doesn’t come out perfect or is even marks - that is all good)


Phonics - Tuesday 5th


For today’s phonic session, start off by revisiting our super sound ‘nk'. See if you can say it in a scary voice? High pitched voice? Deep voice? I have added some pictures of words with nk in (pink, wink, link, drink) see if you can sound the words out after you’ve said them. For example - pink = p i nk. Can you do them all?


We are now going to start our new book ‘A Bad Fox’ and read the first page. Below is the green and red words that you will find in the book. So start of my reading through those to help with the fluency of reading.

Now have a go at reading the first two pages. Take your time and use your phonics to help you.



  • Where did fox bite the hen?

  • What are the little bubbles coming out of fox and hens mouths in the picture?

  • How many red words did you spot?

  • Is the fox being kind to the hen? Why not?

Maths - Tuesday 5th

For maths today, I would like you to start off with making number cards from 11-15. You can do this as simple or as creative as you would like. Make sure you put the in the right order as if they were in a number line. Have a look at mine… I’ve used crayons, paper and our minibeast topic.


Then we are going to think back to our take away or subtraction number sentences. Can you do the sign? Today we are going to use numicon to help us with our subtraction. If you’ve got this at home then great, you can make your own number sentences. If not, don’t worry, there are different number sentences below for you to complete. Have a go at the different subtraction number sentences.

So say the number sentence out loud. Then put the number we are taking away on top. To finish count how many holes are not covered by the numicon on top. We have the answer! Have another go with the ones below.

Monday Message - 4th


Hello to all my fluffy Robins,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed another weekend at home. I sure did enjoy my Disney movie weekend watching films like Frozen and Incredibles.

Are you still looking after your mums and dads? Make sure you are all being super helpful and helping mum and dad where you can! I’m sure they would love you to help them with tidying toys away.

So, we are on Week 5 of home learning and ready for another full week of creepy crawly’s, phonics and marvelous maths. Hope you enjoy all the activities set this week and I look forward to seeing more photos posted in to the office. I also need to finish phoning some of the Robins too so keep an ear out for your phones!

Here’s another little Monday morning motivation for you all. So as normal just press play…

Keep safe and sparkling.

Miss Hall x

Maths - Monday 4th

This week for maths we are going to be focusing on finding one less and subtraction again. A couple of weeks a go we looked at this and we are going to practice again. Before we start our session, your warm up is going to be to make a number line from 1-15. See if you can do it all by yourself. I have started to make one below…


Now we are going to look at finding less. Can anyone remember our karate sign for one less? Start by listening to this song and seeing if you can join in. Think about the numbers and how they get smaller by one.

Now we are going to have a go at finding one less by ourselves. All you need is some number cards to 10, objects (pasta, sweets or bricks) and a chirpy robin.

Firstly, choose a number card without looking and then count the right amount of objects out. Then take one away and recount. How many did you have left? Then say one less than… is…. Have a look at my example below.

Then repeat the game again. Choose a number, count out the objects, take one away and recount.

Challenge: Can you write the number sentence that goes along with your one less numbers? I have done them under the end pictures. Have a look and then have a go.

Topic - May 4th

For topic today, we are going to think about worms again. Start by listening to the story ‘Superworm’ or if you have it home then read it with an adult.

We are going to be thinking about facts. Something that is true. We already have looked at facts in Robin class - remember we always saying something that is true about us. For example a fact about me is - I have 2 sisters. Can you think of a fact about you?

Then look at the worm cards below. Can you read them with an adult and decide whether they are true facts or false. Tell an adult how you know the fact is true or why it is true?

After you’ve done my facts, can you think of any others? Look on google and see if you can research some facts about worms. Then make your own worm facts using my template below!


Phonics - Monday 4th

Wow another week of phonics and I bet you are all working so hard on your reading and writing. For today’s session we have a brand new super sound again and a brand new book! Start the session off with going through some of our set 1 sounds and set 2 sounds with this little girl.

Then for our super sound this week, we are focusing on the sound ‘nk’. This is like last weeks super sound where you usually find it at the end of words. Fred has been through my pack of cards and found it. Can you say the sound ‘nk’? He has also thought of some words with nk in them. Can you read the words?

Now we are going to think about our brand new book. This weeks book is called ‘A bad fox’. UHH OHH… I smell trouble in this book. This book is all about a cheeky fox and a red hen. Click play and have a listen to me describing the story to you and then see if you can answer the questions below.


  • Have you ever seen a fox before?

  • Where do foxes live?

  • What colour are foxes?

  • Can you go on google and look at pictures of foxes?

  • Do you think the hen manages to escape the fox?

Library Time - Friday 1st

So as you know on Friday we have our Library time. So instead of Maths today, I would like your Robin to go and choose a book of their choice. Go and find a quiet place, whether it is in a reading den or mummy and daddy’s bed. Enjoy spending time together reading a story with your child. Remember to ask them questions and see if they can spot some red words!


My choice today is … Digger to the Rescue! which I chose from the library as it looked like the digger had some hard working to do. I’m sure lots of you are doing hard working too. See what you think… I have filmed me reading it so that you can have a listen. Click play and have a listen.

Topic - Friday 1st

For topic today, I would like to think about our little caterpillars living on leaves outside. Start by listening to the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and see what happens to him.

Your task today then is to find an egg box and transform it into an amazing bug. Below is a picture of an egg box hungry caterpillar and other bugs that you could make. If you don’t have the right colour paints or paints at all then don’t worry! Find other ways to decorate your caterpillar. I’ve found a handy youtube video to explain how to make them too… Good Luck!


It's FriYAY

Good morning Robins,

WOW… week 4 done of home learning. What an achievement! It has been a busy week with lots of hard working tasks to do and I’m sure you have all been putting your beaks down and working hard. As promised here is a picture of my baking from the weekend… it looks very plain but it sure was delicious and I’m very proud that it is not burnt haha! Have any of you done any baking?


Some parents have emailed in more fabulous videos and pictures of you all so another big THANK YOU for those. I think you all are getting better than me at videos. I’ve also been given some good links linked to learning, so if you get a spare 5 minutes that you would like to fill then feel free to look and play some of the games:

I am going to finish my FriYAY message , as normal, with a video for you all. Enjoy the wet weather either in your wellies or snuggled up on the sofa. Have a relaxing weekend and see you all on Monday for more learning.

Sparkly squidges

Miss Hall x