Phonics - Friday 1st

Start your FriYAY phonics session off with going through all our super sounds and saying them as you see them in the video. Can you remember them all?

Then can you play a game of splat the sound with an adult? Fred is having a go with my penguin. Ask an adult to say a word from the boxes below and see if you can find it and point to it as quickly as you can.


Our book this week was all about ‘Pip’s Pizza’ and we found out what she likes on her pizza. Your task this week is to see if you can design your own scrummy yummy pizza. Draw and colour in a pizza with all the toppings you would like - you could even add chocolate spread!

You are then going to write a list with all the ingredients on your pizza. Remember to use your phonic knowledge… I have attached a fun format below if you would like to use that or find it on twinkl. Follow my link to the outline below -


Topic - Thursday 30th

It is probably RAINING outside but I’m still going to make you wrap up warm and water proofed up so you can gather some natural materials from outside. This week for our forest school theme/topic, we are going to make a miniature bug hotel that we can hang in the garden.

All the equipment is in the picture below so before you start building it go and gather everything you need. You might even need to dry out the sticks, cones and leaves too. These materials might even been collected on your daily walk.


Next you need to cut your bottle up so that you have different sections. You only need one section or if you want to make more then use the other bits too. Make sure you get an adult to help you with this bit. You could draw on where you would like them to cut. Have a look in the picture to the left. You can even make a hole to thread string through so that you can hang it on a tree.

After, start carefully stuffing your sticks, bits of pot and pine cones into the bottle so that is is so full it can’t move. It needs to be stuffed! Have a look at the picture on the right.

Your miniature bug hotel should be so jammed packed and ready to be put up or hung in the garden. It should look a bit like the pictures below. If it does then go outside and put it somewhere for the bugs to explore and observe it over the next few days to see if you get any visitors.

Here is the link to a more broken down step by step guide how to make the miniature bug hotel using the same images - Just copy and paste the link into the search bar.

Maths - Thursday 30th

For maths today, I would like you to do it outside during our ‘forest school’ session or go and get the materials from outside an bring them in. We are going to continue thinking about our sharing but not halving it this time, sharing amount between 3,4 and even 5!

So, all you need is some sticks and leaves. Firstly make some circles like my picture to the right with sticks. These are going to be how many be share or divide by.


Then begin to add different amounts. The first one I did was 3 shared by 3. How many did each circle get? Look at the pictures below and see if I did it right!

Then have a go with more leaves. Try finding 6 leaves and sharing them between 3 and then finding 9 leaves and sharing them between 3. If you are feeling really brave… how about 12 leaves. Look at the pictures below for help.


If you like doing this game then why not make it harder. Can you share between 4? Make another circle like my picture on the left and try sharing out 4 leaves, 8 leaves and even 16 leaves.

Phonics - Thursday 30th

In phonics today we are going to finish our story ‘Pip’s Pizza’. Before we do that, Fred would like you to practice some ‘ng’ words with him. In the picture to the right there are 3 ‘ng’ words. Can you read them? Your challenge today is go and see if you can write these words, using your finger, in 3 different places…

  • On an adults tummy

  • On the floor or carpet

  • On your bed in big letters


Now it is time to read the last 2 pages of ‘Pip’s Pizza’. Have a look below to read the page with Fred. Remember to sight read red words and sound out words that are long or you may find tricky.


It’s your turn to listen to the whole story now read by me! Push the play button and listen carefully to what happens in the story. Once you’ve done that, have a go at answering these questions:

  • When Pip takes the pizza out the oven what does he say the pizza is like?

  • Why does Zip say ‘no thank you’ to Pip?

  • Would you eat that pizza and why?

  • Can you draw a picture of your perfect pizza and add some labels or sentences?

Topic - Wednesday 29th

For topic today I would like you to choose a bug of your choice or one from the pictures below. Today we are going to get creative with crayons, paint or felt tips. So have a look at a picture of your chosen minibeast and use your eyes to see what it looks like and the colours on it’s body.


Then, just like mine , I would like you to draw a picture of your bug. Make sure you do your best colouring/painting and add all the important details like legs and their feelers!

Once you have finished your picture, you are now going to add some labels to describe your bug. Have a go at writing words around it like the picture below. Remember to use your phonics (don’t worry if it doesn’t even look the right spelling) and have a got a writing the sounds you can hear. I’ve added sound buttons to help me.


Phonics - Wednesday 29th

Start today’s phonic session looking at our super sound of the week ‘ng’. Fred has been cheeky again and been in my cooking cupboard! He has got the salt out and covered my kitchen side with it BUT he has made some words in the salt. See if you can read them? Can you you write your own ‘ng’ words in salt? Can you put the ‘ng’ words into sentences?

  • The frog can sing.

  • The balloon went bang.


Then have a go at playing our find the sound game this week. Different insects have been sitting on different super sounds. Push play on the video and see if you can say the right sound that the bugs are sitting on. Just push play on the video…

Your next task is to read the next 2 pages of our book. Have a go with Fred below and then answer some questions about those pages.



  • How many red words did you see?

  • What did the red words say?

  • What did Pip add to the Pizza?

  • Do you think his friends is going to like the pizza? Why?

Maths - Wednesday 29th

Today’s maths focus is going to be sharing but still linking this to halving amounts. I have 2 butterflies that both need feeding fairly and i’ve chopped some celeary to feed them equally. WOW thats a lot of mathematical language. Just remember half and sharing.


Below is a step by step guide how to share between 2 (just like we’ve done in Robins). Can you check i’ve done it right and explain to someone why it is right?


Is this one shared in half or equally for the butterflies? Why not? Tell an adult where I’ve gone wrong.

So your task is to find 2 toys to share different objects between. You might want to share out food like mine or you might have beads or bricks that you can share between the different objects. You choose! Or you can have a go at my examples below…

Topic - Tuesday 28th

Today is Tuesday which means PE day. So for today topic tasks we are going to turn into minibeasts and see if we can move like them. Below is some example of some minibeast cards and movements linked to them. Can you read them with an adult and then see if you can use your body to become that bug…


Can you make up your own cards thinking about:

  • A butterfly

  • A spider

  • An ant

To finish your PE session have at look at this funky creepy crawly dance and have a go at coping the dance!

Maths - Tuesday 28th

For maths today we are going to continue looking at halving and seeing if we can use that special word. Today’s task is going to be a bit messy but all you need is:

  • Washing up bowl

  • Different containers

  • Special bug juice (water and food colouring)

Today I was busy in the kitchen filling bottles up with special bug juice to feed to my insects but I wasn’t very good at filling them up only half way. I need your help! Look at the video below…

As you can see, I’m not very good at filling my bottle up only to half way. Can you have a go at home? After you’ve done it try it with a different container (like the ones below) or just play with the water and containers in the garden. Remember to use that special word ‘Half’ when making the bug juice.


Phonics - Tuesday 28th

Begin phonics today with playing ‘What begins with…’ This game is very simple, you say - What begins with sh? then your Robin has to name something beginning with that letter so they might say shop. Then repeat again - What begins with d? Try do sounds that you know they might need extra help with. There are a few clips below if you need help. Just push play.


We are then going to revisit our new super sound ‘ng’. Have a look at it with Fred. This time I have put some pictures below with the ng sound in. Say the name of the object and see if you can hear the ng sound? Where does it come in the word? Can you sound the object out using phonic sound buttons?

We are now going to start our new book ‘Pip’s Pizza’ and read the first page. Below is the green and red words that you will find in the book. So start of my reading through those to help with the fluency of their reading.


Now read the first page…


Great reading! Can you anwser these questions next?

  • What can Zip smell?

  • Do you think Zip likes pizza?

  • How do you know Zip likes pizza?

  • What does he do or say that shows he likes pizza?

Maths - Monday 27th

For this weeks maths tasks we are going to be thinking about halving and sharing. Today our focus is halving! So we have done a little bit of this before in carpet sessions. Remember halving is when we cut something in into 2 pieces and both the sides are the same!

half pic.png

So when I was prepping my snack at break time today, I realised I was cutting all my fruit in half. Have a look below…

Your task today is to prepare you own snack by cutting it into 2. Cutting it in half. Make sure you use that special word half or halving when cutting your snack. Make sure your adult is there when you do this and use a table knife like I did. How many things can you cut in half?

If you finish your yummy snack and want to see if you can match the right half of the shape to the right picture then have a go on this game -


Topic - Monday 27th

For today’s topic task, we are going to think about - How we look after nature? The outside world is very important to us especially nature (Mrs Jesse would say so too). I want you to think of three different ways you could look after your gardens or a plant if you don’t have a garden. Start by listening to ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ (not read by me for once haha) and see if you can get some inspiration from here.

Here are a few ideas. Can you…

  • Use a watering can or cup to water a plant for the week?

  • Put some peelings or fruit out for the minibeasts to eat everyday?

  • Top up your wormery with more with fresh leaves or peelings to keep them happy?

Phonics - Monday 27th

We are working so hard on our phonics, well done Robins! This week we are looking at another new sound and another new book. How exciting. To start you phonics sessions go through the new super sounds video and check I’ve got all the sounds right. See if you can beat me before I say the sound…

Our new super sound this week is ‘ng’. We usually find this super sound at the end of words. Can you say the sound ng? Can you write the sound ng on the table, in the air and on your hand? Have a look at the pictures and words below to practice reading words with ng in. Can you read what they say?

For this week’s book we are going to be reading ‘Pip’s Pizza’… yum yum! Who likes pizza in our class? Have a listen to what happens in this story by pushing play on the pizza and then answer some of the questions below.


  • Can you say, draw or write different pizza toppings you like?

  • Do we normally have nuts on our pizza?

  • What do think Pip might add to the pizza?

  • What shape is our pizza usually?

  • How do we make pizza?

Monday 27th - Good Morning

Good Morning Robins,

WOW another week… week 4 of home learning and you are all doing brilliantly. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend in the sunshine. I really have enjoyed relaxing in the sun and I did bake a cake! I will post a picture so you can all see (this is such an achievement for me as I am rubbish at baking haha).


This week we are continuing with our new topic ‘Why do ladybirds have spots?’ with lots of activities to do. The pictures that have been coming in for phonics, maths and topic time are wonderful and give me such joy so thank you! Today I am going to be ringing round families to check in and see how everyone is doing and I am very excited to hopefully talk to you all!

Another weekly message from me so just click play…

Keep safe and big sparkly squidges!

Miss Hall x

FriYAY Vibe


Happy FriYAY Robins,

I hope you all had a good first week back of home learning. It sure has been a busy one for me! Well done for surviving another week of home learning. I’m sure you are all becoming professionals at this. Who is enjoying our new topic ‘Why do ladybirds have spots?’.

On Monday (27th), I will be ringing families again (YIPPEE!) so make sure you have your phones handy and something to tell me that’s made you happy over the last couple of weeks.

Now it’s time to rest for the weekend and enjoy getting up late and playing more games. This weekend I am going to attempt some baking in the kitchen and see if I can make a cake. This could go one of two ways. Maybe I will post a picture of it next week?

Missing you all lots and lots. Thank you to families that have sent in more pictures and videos of children working hard. To finish, here is another little Friyay video for you to watch…

Lots of sparkly squidges as always!

Miss Hall x

Topic - Friday 24th

For topic today, you are going to make some healthy ‘insect’ snacks. Your healthy insect snacks are for humans and not minibeats! Only use foods and ingredients you already have in the house and only if it’s available. If not make pretend food from play dough or draw your ideas.

Look at the picture below and point to each picture and say whether it is healthy or unhealthy… You could even do this activity with foods you have in the house and sort them into two groups.

Have a look at some of the ideas below for inspiration and ideas. Remember when you’re making them wash your hands and think about why your snack is healthy? Enjoy!

Library time - Friday 24th

So as you know on Friday we have our Library time. So instead of Maths today, I would like your Robin to go and choose a book of their choice. Go and find a quiet place, whether it is in the garden or on some cushions. This week I saw hammocks made from blankets in the garden! Enjoy spending time together reading a story with your child. Remember to ask them questions and see if they can spot some red words!


My choice today is … Shh! We have a plan! which I chose from the library as it looked interesting. It is a very simple but weird book. See what you think… I have filmed me reading it so that you can have a listen. Click play and have a listen.

Phonics - Friday 24th

So for today’s phonics session I would like you to re-look at the sounds video and say each sound you see or join in with me. Press play on the video to start…

Then have a go at ‘beat you partner’ with a sibling or adult. Someone calls out a word from the grid below and get you Robin to find it as quickly as they can. All the words are from the book ‘The Web’ so they should know some of them already.


Activity: Your real challenge today is to write about Spin (the spider from the book). I would like you to start by drawing a spider and then add some simple sentences about her. For example:

  • Spin has six legs.

  • The spider is black.

  • Spin is in a web.

  • The spider is stuck in the web.

Remember that your Robin should write these independently whether it be in marks or phonetically spelt. Just keep the words slowly and ask them what sounds they can hear. Good luck!

Below I have attached some funky spider paper if you want to write your sentences on those or you can find it on twinkl following this link -


Topic - Thursday 23rd

It’s Thursday which mean Forest School day! So we are taking our learning outside and completing an activity in your gardens or on your walk linked to our topic ‘Why do ladybirds have spots?’.

We are going to continue to think about spiders and where we might find them. So go on a spider hunt and either find a spider or find it’s web.

Activity: If you find a web take a picture on an adults phone and then see if you can copy the spider web by drawing in the mud using a stick. Have a look at the picture below. You can do this with dry or wet mud!
