Phonics - Thursday 23rd


Oh nooo… Fred has been in my baking cupboard and split flour all over the side. He has written some ‘sh’ words in the flour though. What a clever frog. Can you read any of the words he has written? Shop, Ship and Fish. I wonder if you can get messy and write some ‘sh’ words in flour?

We are now going to finish our story ‘The Web’ and see what happens to the spider. Remember she had caught 6 bugs and they all look different. Read the next two pages below to see what happens…


I am now going to read the whole story back to you so take a listen. Make sure your listen carefully because I am going to ask you some questions after. Just push play and enjoy…


  • Where is Spin stuck?

  • Why can’t Spin stand up?

  • What do you think he is feeling now?

  • Have you ever been stuck or got something stuck? Can you remember where and what is was?

Maths - Thursday 23rd


We are going to continue learning outside and keep thinking about our 2D and 3d shapes. So for today’s task in number time I would like you to stay outside and go and collect 20 sticks. They can be all sizes because they will be broken down. Remember to carefully count using one number name for one stick.

Activity: Then I would you to use the sticks to make different 2D shapes. Think about how many sides the shapes has? How many corners does is have? You could even make a 3D shape with clay or tape! Take a look below.

Could you even make your own shape picture out of sticks like this one?


Maths - Wednesday 22nd

For maths today, we are continuing being shape investigators. We are going to focus on 3D shapes! Who can remember what a 3D shape is? It is a soild shape (Robins might remember the hand action). Lets start by reminding ourselves what the 3D shapes look like and their names. Look and point below…

Then have a look at another shape song but this with a focus on 3D shapes and what they look like in our world around us. See if you can learn the song or remember the shape names or even some of their properties. Push play…

After, I would now like you to go on a 3D shape hunt around your house. I had a go and made a video for you to see what I found… I didn’t do very well! Can you do better than me?

I’ve also added a checklist if you want to tick the shapes off or see how many of a specific shape you found. You could even make your own checklist if you wanted to.


Phonics - Wednesday 22nd

To start phonics this morning go through the super sounds. Then explore our sound of the week ‘sh’. Fred has posted the ‘sh’ words for you to have a go at. Go through each one and sound them out and then blend them. He wants to know it you can put the ‘sh’ words into sentences?

  • The shop has yummy mango.

  • The ship has big white sails.

  • The fish has green and pink scales.


Splat the sound: I have found my sparkly wand from the classroom and want you to play spot the sound. I am going to say a sound and you find it then point to it. See if you can get there before my sparkly wand does… Push play to have a go.

We are now going to read the next two pages of our book ‘The Web’ and see what happens with the spider. Have a go at sounding out the words and blending them with Fred.



  • What colour bugs were in the spiders web?

  • Was there a bug with spots?

  • How many wings did one bug have?

  • Why do you think at the end of the sentences there were 3 full stops?

  • Can you draw your own bug and then describe it to an adult?

Topic - Wednesday 22nd

spider web.jpg

Funky finger webs! Seeing as we’ve been reading the book ‘The Web in phonics, I thought we would make our own spider webs. You can be as creative as you want! I have provided an idea of how to make them below though.

Provide paper plates with holes punched around the edge and cut the center of the plate out. Demonstrate how to create a web-like effect, by weaving pipe cleaners or wool through the holes on the plate. Make sure you add a long piece of wool so that you can hang the web up. Once complete, children could stick plastic spiders or flies to their web.


Maths - Tuesday 21st


Start by having a look at the shape picture below. It’s different from yesterdays one! Today we have got a castle fit for a prince or princess. You decide. What 2D shapes can you spot? Can you name them and some of their properties?

If you would like you could have a listen to this shape song (not as good as our one Robins!) but you could have a go at learning it and seeing if you know how many sides the 2D shapes have. Take a look…

Activity: I would like you to make the shapes - triangle, square, circle and rectangle on your floor using tape or something that can make large shapes like the picture below. You are then going to go and search your house for objects that can go in the right shape. For example you might find a bowl - I would put this in the circle shape because it has circle rim.

Challenge: Find 10 items and ask an adult to time you to see how quick you can sort the objects into the different shapes. I sorted mine in 5 minutes and 10 seconds. Can you beat Miss Hall?

Phonics - Tuesday 21st

Start the session off with going through the super sounds. I saw a very fun game for children called splat the sound. All you need is some chalk, a place to write them (floor, fence or wall) and a squirty bottle. Children say the sound they see and then squirt it with water. You might just choose the trickier sounds - see picture to the right… OR you could simple and go through the video from yesterday again.


Revisit our super sound of the week ‘sh’. Then explore different objects that begin with ‘sh’. Have you got any thing in your house beginning with ‘sh’? I have put some ‘sh’ picture below. Have a go at saying them with an emphasis on the shhhhh sound.

Now we are going to think about our new book ‘The Web’. Below are the green and red words that you will find in the book. Have a go at sounding them out and then blending them before reading the first page.


Let’s read! Read the first page of the book and have a look at the web the spider has built in the picture.



  • What is the name of the spider?

  • Where is the spider sitting?

  • How many bugs are in the spiders web?

  • Can you draw a web and then add the same amount of numbers into it?

Topic - Tuesday 21st

For today’s topic we are going to make a WIGGLY WORMERY! How exciting, we are going make a home for some worms from your back garden. Watch the youtube clip to find out all about worms.

Before making our Wiggly Wormery, we must remember that they are only in there for a little while and we must release back into their natural habitat after a week or two. Believe it or not… I have made on before (picture below). It is simple!


So you will need:

  • a large, clean, glass jar

  • moist soil

  • sand

  • earthworms from your garden

  • old leaves

  • vegetable peelings

  • some black paper and a cool, dark cupboard

Click the link or google how make the wormey. There are instructions how to make it step by step below -

Over the next few days observe what happens when you put the black card around the jar or bottle. Can you see any paths the worms have made? Does it need to be somewhere darker for longer? Are you feeding them leaves?

Maths - Monday 20th

For Number time this week, we are going to focus on SHAPE and become shape investigators. Today we are going to focus on 2D shapes and their names and properties. In the picture I have put 5 simple shapes. Can you name them? Can you tell me something about them? - For example, A square has 4 corners. A square has 4 sides. The sides are all the same.


Then I want you to take a look at the shape picture below. What 2D shapes can you see? Point and tell someone the different shapes. If you want to continue this game then just google shape pictures and explore other ones.


Activity: Your task is now to build your own shape picture with different bits of paper. Cut different shapes for your child and then see if they can construct something like a house, train or castle with the shapes. Remember to take a picture of it! I had a go at doing my own… what do you think?

Phonics - Monday 20th

A fresh week which means another new super sound and a brand new book. So to start phonics today I would like you to go through our new super sounds video. Either have it aloud so you can hear me say the sounds with you or mute it for a challenge.

Then I would like you to think about the super sound ‘sh’. Fred is doing a good job of holding it and showing you. Have a go at saying it and then writing it in the air, on the floor and in a funny place like on your cheek.

After you have said the sound then practise reading it in some words. Look at the words Fred has given you. Sound them out and then blend them to read the word. Sometimes the ‘sh’ sound is at the end of the word. Can you spot it?

Now this week we are going to start a new book called ‘The Web’. Click the video to see what it is all about. I’m not sure about this one and spiders ahhh!


  • What minibeats have you seen in your garden before?

  • Have you ever seen a spider before?

  • Where have you seen a spider?

  • Do you know any facts about spiders?

  • What do you think will happen to this spider?

New Topic - Monday 20th


Our new topic is called ‘Why do ladybirds have spots?’ and it’s all about minibeasts! I know thought some of you Robins are going to LOVE this topic. Now it’s spring and the grass is growing, the leaves are getting greener and the minibeasts are warming up in the sun. This is the perfect time fore this topic and one of my favourite topics (though it doesn’t have any penguins wahh)!

I have attached the parent guide on here for adults to look over so you have an idea of what the topic is about. This is similar to the sheet that was stuck in your home learning books.


So Robins… your first task is to get out in the garden and go for a minibeast hunt. What things will you find? and where are you finding them? Below is a tick list to use when you’re in the garden. You don’t have to use this, you might make your own by drawing pictures and adding labels or print one from the internet (twinkl have great ones).


Welcome Back - Monday 20th


Good morning Robins,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and your ready for some new home learning activities with a different topic - how exciting! Remember to email into the office any pictures to keep me updated. I have been up to lots in my Easter holidays - I had my first BBQ of the year, been on lots of long walks and eaten way too much chocolate.

I’m still missing you all very much but I know you’re making me and your mummy’s and daddy’s very proud with all your great listening, hard working and super tidying (I hope). Good luck with the tasks this week and look forward to hearing from some of you. To kick start the week, here is one of my ‘hello’ videos which i’m sure you’ve missed haha!

Sending lots of sparkly squidges.

Miss Hall x

FriYAY - Have a lovely Easter break!

Good morning to my fluffy Robins,

WOW, we have survived week 2 of home learning… good job (defiantly deserves a whooosh). It made me so happy this week talking to some of the families in our class and hearing their super learning at home. Don’t worry if I didn’t catch you, I will be ringing again soon. Thank you so much to those parents that have emailed photos into the office too. They’ve put a huge smile on my face!


Now its time for your 2 week Easter break and take this time to spend quality time with your family. Enjoy getting up late and eating lots of chocolate especially for breakfast haha! The home learning will start again on Monday 20th April so expect more videos and a brand new topic.

To keep busy some parents have emailed in some links they have been working on at home too. Check out this brilliant home colouring website - and keep active with another parents fabulous street dancing videos -

One more video from me… Click the Easter bunny to watch.

Wishing you all a Hoppy Easter with lots of egg-citing things going on. Look forward to getting back to home learning tasks soon. Sending lots of sparkly squishes to everyone! Keep safe and see you soon.

Miss Hall x

Topic - Friday 3rd

Let the Easter count down begin

For your last topic task we are going to think about Easter. For children that might want to know the religious meaning behind Easter, I have linked a child friendly video for them to watch below. Have a look. It is told by a 4 year old and recommended by Mrs Moreton - Can your Robin retell it after?

But me and my trusty egg unicorns have set some tasks for you to do over today and the holidays. The tasks are written below and pick and choose what you might want to do. You may even have your own Easter ideas. Make sure you take lots of pictures and you can always send them into the office where they will make it to me!


Phonics - Friday 3rd


For phonics today I would like you to look at all the words below. Some are words that you will be able to sound out and blend then there are some red words in there to challenge you. Tick the ones of you know.

Have a look at them and then think of a creative way you could write them! You could use water and a paint brush, chalk, washing up liquid, bean juice or even GLITTER! I had a go at writing them in glitter… Have a look.


Challenge: Can you write some simple sentences using the words from the grid? These sentences could go in your home learning books or you might not choose to write with a pencil so it can’t go in there. You decide.

Try using ‘the’… then try using ‘I’… Then try using ‘said’.

  • The chocolate egg I had for lunch was yum said Miss Hall. - Remember if it comes out phonetically that is ok or even if its just initial sounds or marks, that is also ok.

Library time - Friday 3rd


So like last Friday, we are going to use one of our learning tasks as our usual Friday library time slot. So instead of Maths today, I would like your Robin to go and choose a book of their choice. Go and find a quiet place, whether it is in the garden or on some cushions in a weird place and enjoy spending time together reading a story with them. Remember to ask them questions and see if they can spot some red words!

My choice today is … Oi Cat which is one of Robins favourtie books to read at school. This week I have filmed me reading it so that you can have a listen. Click play and have a listen.

Maths - Thursday 2nd

For Maths today, I would like you to continue your learning outside. We are going to continue to think about subtraction or taking away. Who can remember the karate move for take away?

Your first task is to make another nature number line, using different or the same natural materials but in a different way from before. There are some examples on the right.


Then I would like you to do some subtraction number sentences using natural materials and an egg box. Yes an egg box. Choose a number sentence or give your Robin a number sentence either written or said verbally. They then have to put the right amount of natural materials in the holes of the egg box. Then encourage them to take away the right amount and recount for the answer. Look at the picture below this could be 4-2= . Keep repeating with different number sentences.

Phonics - Thursday 2nd


Ohhh noo… Look Fred has been in to my fruit basket and written different ‘th’ words on my bananas! How cheeky. Your first task is to see if you can you read any of the ‘th’ words? I can even see a sentence with ‘th’ in.

Today we are going to finish our book about the good and bad pirate and see what happens with the cash box in the end. Read the two pages below to find out who ends up with the cash box?


Now that you’ve read the whole story. I am going to read the story back and then I would like you to have a go at answering the questions doing doing the task below. Magic fingers Robins - that I’ve got this video the right way round! Just push the play button…


  • Who wins the fight?

  • Does Black Hat Bob or Red Hat Rob deserve to have the cash box?

  • What red words did you spot?

  • Who was your favourite character and why?

  • Task: Can you draw your own pirate ship and add a simple sentence? For example - The ship is big. The ship is brown.

Topic - Thursday 2nd

afican mud hut.jpg

Its Forest School Thursdays today and we are going to take our topic learning outside linked to our topic Africa. We know that lots of homes in Africa are built from mud and these are called mud hut. just like the picture. Have a look on google if you to explore these further with your Robin.

Ohhh look… I have been into my garden and grabbed some mud kitchen equipment and am now thinking what to make with my mud and pots. I am defiantly going to add half a jug of water and stir it.


I would like your Robin to go into the garden or on a walk (bring a bowl and spoon) and make a delicious mud ingredients. Below is some key words to use when making different mysterious mud creations which link to our maths curriculum as well. There is also a mud ingredients below that you could have a go at following.

Key words:

  • Full

  • Half full

  • Empty

Phonics - Wednesday 1st


For phonics today, I would like you to start the session by scrolling down to one of the videos below and go through all our super sounds again. Then focus on the ‘th’ sound with Fred. Look at the picture and sound out then blend the words to read them.

To add to the phonics fun (haha) I have made a messy washing up liquid video where you choose a word and then write it whilst sounding the word out. You can easily do this at home and is a good activity for reluctant writers. Push play to watch and write some ‘th’ sounds with me. You could also write some simple words like ‘dog’, ‘mum’, ‘big’.

Now we are going to continue with our pirate story. Have a go at reading the next two pages and seeing what happens. Then have a go at answering the questions below.



  • Which pirate is the bad pirate?

  • How do you know he is the bad pirate?

  • What does he say or do that makes him bad?

  • Did you spot any red words?

  • Who do you think will win the fight?