Maths - Wednesday 1st


Let’s be shape investigators. To warm our number time brains up, we are going to play a quick game of firstly name the shape. Point to each shape in the picture and get your Robin to say the aloud.

Then ask your Robin to point to all the 2D shapes and explain why they are 2D shapes - because they are flat (clap hand together). Then ask them to point out the 3D shapes and explain why they are 3D - because they are solid (blow hands out like a ball). Play the video to see if they got them right. If they did they can have a ‘Well done me’ clap!

For our main activity, we are going to continue to pratise our subtracting or taking away and play SUBTRACTION BOWLING. We are focusing on taking away from 10. This is a fun game and needs a few props. If you don’t have any of the equipment from the pictures below then think outside the box - you might just want to get 10 lego bricks and ask your Robin to take away different amounts and recount for the answer.

Activity: Set up 10 bottles or loo rolls (with caution) in a triangle shape. You then need something heavy like a ball to hit them down. So say 10 take away, then roll the ball, 3 is how many left? Have a go at writing the number sentence out on the ground with chalk or water or on paper. Recount how many are left standing and repeat again. You could take it in turns with your Robin.


Challenge: I have put some subtraction number sentences next to this post. Your challenge today is to see if you can knock down the right amount in the number sentence to find the answer. Robins you will have to be very careful with your aim…Are you a true subtraction bowler?

Topic - Wednesday 1st

Today’s topic task is to create an your very own African story using homemade African animal mask or masks. The fist thing you’ll need to do it make your mask. I have given some examples of some homemade African animal mask in the pictures and a youtube video to help you out.

lion mask.jpg

If you don’t have these resources or time at home then you could simply print or draw a template on paper and get you Robin to colour it it. Then add a bit of string round the back or sellotape to a pen so that you can hold the mask to their face.

Here are a link below to printable animal masks (copy and paste link):


Now you’ve made your mask make games and stories up linked to your animal. Remember to use key vocabulary such as ‘once upon a time’ 'the end’.

Phonics - Tuesday 31st

For phonics today, start your session off with scrolling down and flipping through the sound videos for your child to flick through and revisit our super sounds. Then look at our sound of the week ‘th’. Practise saying the sound and explore some objects that begin with ‘th’. I have put some up on here )three, thumb, thermometer) rbut can you find any in your house?


Now we are going to explore the words that are going to appear in our pirate story. Below is the green words and red words in the story. You can either quickly whizz through this with my turn (adult sounds out) your turn (Robin repeats) or make a game of them and write them on separate paper and your Robin picks one out and reads.

Now that we’ve recapped on our super sounds and read some words that will be in our book, we can start reading it. Give the next two pages a go and then answer the questions below. Make sure you use your best pirate voice aggghhrrr…



  • Can you find words with our super sound of the week ‘th’?

  • What colour is the pirates hat?

  • Pirate Bob has a pet hen, what pet would you have if you were a pirate?

Maths - Tuesday 31st

For number time, start the session off with playing a few rounds of ordering numbers on this online game -

If you can’t click on the link then in google type topmarks caterpillar ordering. Once you’ve clicked on the link, you will then will have screen with two options, click ordering and then choose either 1-10 or 1-20. It should look like the picture to the side.


After you have played this then explain to your Robin that we are going to continue to think about subtraction or taking away. For today’s game you need a plate, some objects (golden eggs of course!), simple number sentences on paper and a clever chirpy Robin.

Get your Robin to choose a number sentence. They then need to count out the amount on the plate. After ask them how many are we taking away? Get them to physically do it and then count the answer. Repeat again. I would suggest doing numbers up to 10. Below is a step by step guide.

Remember: use any objects that will interest your child and it can be done on a small scale or HUGE scale outside.

Challenge: Have a go at the little chicks subtraction number sentences below and then if you complete those can you answer this tricky number sentence 12 - 6 =


Topic - Tuesday 31st


For topic today, the first thing i would like you to do is listen to the story ‘Giraffes cna’t dance’. Lots of you may have this book at home so could always read it to your Robin or watch it on the virtual books - vooks. I’m not sure if the link worked last time so you might have to copy and paste it. BUT i will try again…

So on a Tuesday we would usually have PE. For your topic task today you are going to see if you can make up a ‘Giraffe Dance’ to some music, just like the Gerald the Giraffe in our story. Think about your starting and finishing positions and how a giraffe might move. Parents enjoy! I have put a link to some African music that you could play or choose your own.

Phonics - Monday 30th

Start your session off going through all the sounds with the videos below. Get your Robin to say them aloud when they see them.

Now introduce our sound of the week ‘th’. Fred has found th in the pile and would like you to practise saying it. Once you’ve done that then have a go at writing the super sound in the air, on mum or dads back and then on a surface like the floor.

Now have a go at reading words with Fred below. Remember to sound them out and then blend. Can you now put these words into a sentence? This chocolate is very yummy. That writing is excellent.


Now we can start our new book - how exciting. This week we are reading about a good pirate and a naughty pirate. Listen to the video below where I explain the story to you and then have a go at completing the task after. Just push play…

Activity : Can you make a prediction (guess) what is going to happen in the story? Tell an adult what you think might happen and why. You could then draw yourself as a pirate or even find props to dress up as one!

Good morning - Monday 30th

I hope this video works… MAGIC FINGERS ROBINS! All you’ve got to do is click the play button on the Robins red chest.

Thank you for sharing - Just wanted to add that a family in our class has collaborated with different artists and has created a colouring book for the kids (and parents) stuck at home. The link is below…

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and ready for another week of home learning. Bring on more Miss Hall videos haha…

*Mrs Parsons told me that all the writing was backwards in the story video so will tweek that for future videos haha! This is a learning curve for me.

This will be the last week of blog work before the Easter holidays so take full advantage before having a 2 week break. I am going to do a mixture of our topic and later on in the week some EGGciting Easter activities.

Keep positive and sparkling because I know you all are being secret superheros and making me proud!

Sparkly hugs,

Miss Hall x

Maths - Monday 30th

This week we are going to focus on the opposite from adding which is subtraction. So today’s activities are going to be linked to finding one less of a number. Your first task, just like last week, is to make a number line to 10 using different objects than last week. This week I’ve used paper, numicon and CHOCOLATE (ran out after 7 WAHH). Have a go…


After you’ve made your number line, we are going to play the same game where you put your favourite animal or toy on top of one of the numbers and ask what is one less than the given number. What is one less than 3? What is one less than 8? Use language like the number before. There are some examples below if you found it tricky to make the number line.

Topic - Monday 30th

For today’s topic task I want you to become investigators and find out more about African animals! You are going to choose an African animal of your choice - could be an elephant, could be a giraffe or a zebra - and you’re going to do some research and find some facts about them. You can look in books at home for these facts or look on google. Below are some child friendly links that have African animal facts…



Challenge: Draw or print out a picture of your chosen African animal and then write some simple facts below. You could take it in turns so that a Robin writes the fact then an adult writes a longer fact. A simple sentence example might be - It has 4 legs. Encourage your Robin to use their phonic knowledge to write these and don’t worry if the sentence or words doesn’t come out as you expect!

OH NO....

Mrs Parsons has just pointed out that the phonics video is not reflecting the right way so all the words are backwards ahhh. Well hopefully your Robin has read the book this week and is just listening. I will work on this for next week. Learning curves for me and the internet in this crazy time… Happy FriYAY!

Library time - Friday 27th


On a Friday we would usually go to the library and choose a book to take home. So instead of Maths today, I would like your Robin to go and choose a book of their choice. Go and find a quiet place, whether it is in the garden or on some cushions in a weird place and enjoy spending time together reading a story with them. Remember to ask them questions and see if they can spot some red words!

My choice today is … Lost and Found which is all about a boy and penguin!

FriYAY feeling


Good morning Robins and Parents,

WOOO! Firstly it’s FriYAY and we’ve survived our first week of home learning and of course my favourite day. Everyone deserves a student of the week certificate today! What a fabulous week of sparkly sunshine and hard working from you all.

Now it’s time for you all to enjoy your weekends and have a break from school learning tasks. Get riding your bike, playing a family game or simply dressing up in something sparkly!

I am going to sit in my garden this weekend and spread some green glitter in hope that some unicorns might turn up haha - think staying at home has made me even more crazy!

Look forward to updating you next week. Missing you all like crazy but sending you ALL big sparkly squidges as always.

Miss Hall x

Topic - Friday 27th

Time to get creative!


For today’s topic task, start by clicking on the link below which is a virtual story about a smelly African elephant.

Then your activity today is to make an African instrument using materials in your house. It might be a drum, it could be a rain stick or even a shaker. Poor smellyphant wants this to cheer him up so that he can dance around playing an instrument now that he is clean…

Think outside the box. Use recycled materials, spare foods in the house (only if there is some), bead, small bricks, paper, paint etc. I have put some examples of homemade instruments below to give you some inspiration.

Once you’ve made it then test it to see if it work. As normal - take pictures or draw a picture of it in your home learning book. Can you write a list of all the materials you used?

Reading and Phonics - Friday 27th

In phonics today we are going to re-read the whole story and then have a task linked to the wicked witch in the book ‘The spell’.

Start phonics bygoing through the super sound videos below. These don’t have sound just the letters so Robins will have to work super hard to remember ALL their super sounds. Give it a go…

Now this is my first video. I feel I have now turned into a youtuber haha! Anyway, I’m going to re-read the whole story back to you that you’ve been reading all week. Have a listen…


Challenge: Your task is now to write or draw your very own position list for stitch the witch. Encourage your Robin to use their phonic knowledge rather than giving them answer to copy. This can be done on paper or in their home learning books. Try use the red words - a, the, of. Simple sentences could look like - A frog leg, the top of a rat, lots of bugs.

I’ve also added a link where you can print or copy a position list template. It is avalible on a website called ‘twinkl’ which is a free sign up for this crazy time -

Reading and Phonics - Thursday 26th

Start today’s phonics with a game of ‘beat your partner’! Below is a grid full of words that you have been reading in our ‘The Spell’ book. Challenge your parent or sibling to find a word. Can you find witch w-i-t-ch witch… Can you find the red word you…


For your reading today, you are going to read the last two pages of the book and then answer the comprehension questions below. Good luck!



  • What happened in the end?

  • Who turned into a frog?

  • What do you think the cat is feeling now? (pleased/relieved/that’ll serve you right)

Topic - Thursday 26th

For topic this morning we are going to continue learning outside and follow our forest school Thursdays.

Your challenge today is to either make an animal from Africa using different woodland materials - sticks, leaves, clay, pine cones, grass, flowers etc. or you could find some African toy animals in your house and build a forest home for them. If you need inspiration look below…

Make sure you take pictures or draw a picture in your home learning book.

Maths - Thursday 26th

For number time today I want your Robin to get outside! Whether it is in the garden or a walk. Whether it is sunny or raining. Let’s do adding outside.

The first task is to go and collect sticks and then create a number line with these. Whether it be the amount of sticks going up like the picture below or the numerals made out of sticks like the other picture. Give it a go and add some questions in like - What is one more than?

Your then going to stay outside and collect a basket of woodland bits which can be used for adding. It can be anything from dry leaves to sticks to acorns to pine cones - you choose!

Then find a spot to do some adding. Put three leaves one side and then make an adding sign with sticks and add three sticks. What is the total? Take a look below - you can always use my examples if you get stuck!

Extension: Can you write the answers with a pot of water and a paint brush or stick? Can you write some of our tricky numbers to 20 with a water pot and paint brush or stick?

Phonics and Reading - Wednesday 25th

ch words.JPG

In phonics today we are continuing our ‘The Spell’ book. I’m sure all of you did great reading yesterday and used your phonic knowledge to work out some tricky words!

Firstly, quick flash the ch sound to your child and re-read words with ch in. Again you can write ch in the air, on the floor or even on mum or dad cheek! I have put the picture up again.

We are now going to read the next two pages below and answer some MORE questions. Take a look below - Fred has even come along to listen to the story.



  • Who’s wing got put in the pot?

  • How many cobwebs did the witch need?

  • What kind of slug needed to go in the pot?

  • Can you write, draw or tell someone a list of ingredients that you would put in the pot?

Maths - Wednesday 25th

In today’s number time, we are going to see if we can add two single digit numbers together by counting them all to make the total. Think back to your number lines yesterday, you were adding one more. I have uploaded my number line again in case you need it as a resource or prompt.

numicon number line.JPG

Lets get creative with adding!

In today’s game you will need something squidgy like play-dough, a straw or piece of spaghetti and some cheerios. Adults are going to write a number sentence for their child (2+4=) and then ask your child to read it aloud. The Robin then needs to get the right number of cheerios onto the spaghetti to workout the number sentence. Then count how many are altogether? This is also great for fine motor. Take a look below…


If you don’t have any of the resources above then just do it with toys, shells, building blocks, pasta or even dots on paper. I have also put some numicon number sentences below if you get really stuck.

As always, have fun with it and get the children adding amounts together by counting each object.

Extension: Challenge your Robin to write the adults number sentences. Then parents work the answer out using the same resources and ask your child to check the answer. Top tip - Get it wrong sometimes they LOVE it.

Topic - Wednesday 25th

We will continue our ‘Why do zebras have stripes?’ topic as much as we can until we change topics or another theme is happening eg. Easter.

UHHH OHH - Look… I have been in the recycling bin and found all these boxes and bottles and that I don’t know what to do with. BUT I know I have some very creative Robins in my class that could make lots of different things.

So your first challenge at home is to look in your recycling bin (YUCK!) and see what boxes you could use to make a safari vehicle that could go and spot some animals. Will you build binocuhlars? Will you make animal masks? You decide. Stick them together. Draw on them. Paint them. Sit in them. Put lego people in it. Make sure you get a picture!
