Good morning Squirrels.
I hope you all had a good weekend.
What do you think it would be like to go to the moon? Can you walk like an astronaut on the moon? Do you remember our fact abut Alan Shepard? He was an Apollo 14 astronaut who was the first person to play golf on the moon.
If you went to the moon, what would you do? I would like you to think carefully about what you could do on the moon. Would you be the first to ride a bike on the moon or to paint a picture? Please draw a picture of you being the first person to do something on the moon and write a few sentences about what you have chosen to do and why.
Word of the week.
This week our word of the week is ‘do’. Can you think of any questions you could ask using the word ‘do’?
Sound of the week.
our sound of the week is ‘ee’ - what can you see?
Can you use your phonics to sound out these words containing ‘ee’?
been, green, seen, need, sleep, feel, keep, three.
This week we are going to be looking at weight. Today I will be using my incredible hearing to listen out for squirrels using words such as heavy, light, heavier than, lighter than, heaviest and lightest.
Can you find 8 objects in your house and put them altogether? Take 2 objects from your pile, one in each hand, and decided by feeling the weight, which one is the heaviest or lightest. Sort the objects into 2 groups - heavy and light.
Joke of the day.
Which school do planets and stars go to study?
Fact of the day.
If you could fly a plane to Pluto, the trip would take more than 800 years!
This is what Pluto looks like.