Friday 15th May

Good morning Squirrels.

I will be sending out details about Google Classrooms later on today.


How did you get on with writing a diary entry?

I have written one too but I think I may have forgotten some things! Can you help me edit it? I have put the bits I think I got wrong in red.

Diary entry .png


How was measuring how much water each of your containers held?

Today I would like you to have a look at these jugs. Look carefully at the scales. Have a go at reading the scale to find out how much water they have in them. Be careful - some of the scales may go up in 1’s. For some of them you will need to count in 2’s, 5’s or 10’s.

Jugs for blog .png

If you wanted to do some more measuring you can try and make Mr Boom’s car tonic.

Mr Boom's Car Tonic.png


Use google earth to find more famous landmarks in London. See if you can find the following:

Tower of London

London Eye

Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

The British Museum

Tower Bridge

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Westminster Abbey

Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday 14th May

Hello Squirrels


Today I would like you to write a diary entry like Samuel Pepys. I would like you to imagine that you are living in London in 1666. There is a huge fire which started in Pudding Lane. It is spreading through the city and burning don lots of buildings. You can start your diary entry with ‘Dear Diary’. Explain what is happening in the city and how you feel about. What are you going to do? How can you escape from the fire?

Remember your punctuation and finger spaces.


Today we are going to carry on with measuring liquids. Choose 5 different sized containers and fill them with water.

This is one of my containers. I have filled it to the very top as I want to know how much strawberry juice it will hold.


Once I have filled it to the top, I’m going to carefully pour it into a measuring jug (I don’t have a jug so I’m using a measuring cylinder).


Then I’m going to look carefully at the numbers to see how much strawberry juice my container holds.


My container holds 900ml.

I wonder how much water your containers hold.


Today I would like you to make a time line about the Great Fire of London.

Look at these facts. Can you put them in the right order? Write numbers down the side to show which order they go in.

Timeline .png

Joke of Day

What do you call a bear with no teeth?




A gummy bear!

Wednesday 13th May

Hello Squirrels


I would like you to look at this picture of the Great Fire of London.

fire of london 2.png

Write a few sentences thinking about these questions. What can you seen in this picture? How does this picture make you feel? What do you think the people in the picture are doing? How do you think the people in the picture are feeling? Remember to write your answer in full sentences and to use punctuation. Can you extend your sentences to say why you think the people would feel a particular way? You could use my favourite word - because.


Today I would like you to have a think about how we measure liquids.

Have a look at a drinks bottle/carton. Can you spot where it says ml or l?


When we measure liquids we use millilitres (ml) and litres (l) . 1000 ml is the same as 1l.

ml and l.png

Have a look in your cupboards and bottles containing liquids. Can you find out how much liquid each bottle holds?


This is an artists picture of Pudding Lane.

pudding lane.png

What do you think of the street and houses?

Can you draw a picture of Pudding Lane? Then have a think about what the houses are made from. Do you think that the materials the houses are made from would have helped the fire spread? Why? How about the way the street is set out? Is there space between the houses? Would this have helped how the fire spread?

This is the Tower of London.

Tower of London .png

Why did it not burn down in the Great Fire of London? What is it made from?

Sound of the week.

You could have a game of hangman using words containing the ‘oo’ sound. Who will get the most points in your family?

Fact of the Day.

There are over 100 theatres in London. There are 50 in an area of London called West End.

Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Squirrels.

I am in school today and look forward to speaking to you all.


Today I would like you to do some research about the Great Fire of London. Have a think about what you would like to find out and write some questions to help you. I would like to know if they had a fire brigade back then. How did they put the fires out? Did they have hoses or did they use buckets?


How did you get on sorting the numbers in to odd and even?

Today you can practice this a bit more. Remember to look carefully at the end digit in a number.

Odd and even sheet.png

Can you colour the odd sheep blue and the even sheep red?

Sound of the week.

How many words can you think of that has our ‘oo’ sound in? Remember it’s oo - look at a book. So far I have thought of 10. Can you think of more than me?


Have a look at some of the pictures of the Great Fire of London. What do you think about them? How do they make you feel? Look carefully at the buildings - are there any famous ones that you recognise? Does it look like today’s London?

Can you make your own picture of the Fire of London?

fire of london picture .png
fire of london 2.png
fire of london 3.png
fire of london 4.png

Joke of the Day.

How do all the oceans say hello to each other?




They wave!

Monday 11th May

Hello Squirrels

I hope you all had a good bank holiday weekend.


This week we are going to be looking at The Great Fire of London.

Have a go at reading the story and answering the questions.

In 1666 there was a huge fire in London. About 350,000 people lived in London just before the Great Fire, it was one of the largest cities in Europe. It started in Thomas Farriner’s bakery in Pudding Lane. Thomas was a baker to the King. Samuel Pepys saw it all happen and wrote about the fire in his diary which has become very famous.

At 1 o’clock in the morning of Sunday 2nd September 1666 a spark flew out of one of ovens starting a fire. The bakers shop burned quickly and the fire spread along the narrow street.

Later that morning the King was told. He had an idea to knock some of the houses down which would make a gap in the street and would stop the fire from spreading. The King’s plan didn’t work. The fire got bigger and bigger.

By Monday morning many people had paced up their things and had left the city. by 9 o’clock in the morning the fire had reached the Tower of London. Luckily it didn’t catch fire.

On Tuesday the fire continued to spread and had burnt down many streets. By 8 o’clock in the evening the fire reached St. Paul’s Cathedral which caught fire and burnt down several hours later.

On Wednesday morning the wind blew the fire towards the river. By 7 o’clock in the evening the fire reached the river and could go no further.

By Thursday the fire was under control and solider helped to clean the streets and put out smaller fires.

The fire burnt a huge area - the same size as 247 football pitches.

fire of london picture .png

  1. Why do you think the fire spread so quickly?

  2. How did the fire start?

  3. Where did the fire start?

  4. Who started the fire?

  5. Which buildings were destroyed in the fire?

  6. Who was the diary writer who wrote about the Fire of London?

  7. How was the fire eventually stopped?


Today we are going to be looking at odd and even numbers.

An even number is a number that can be shared into two equal groups. An odd number is a number that cannot be divided into two equal groups.

You can use these rhymes to help you remember odd and even numbers.

odd and even rhyme.png

When you are looking at two digit numbers, look carefully at the second digit. If the number ends in 0, 2 ,4, 6, 8 then it is a even number. If the number ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 then it is an odd number.

For example - 27 is an odd number because it ends in a 7 which is an odd number.

Have a go and spotting the odd and even numbers.


Sound of the Week.

This weeks sound is ‘oo’ - look at a book. (It looks the same but make a different sound to last weeks ’oo’).

Have a go at sounding out these words.

took, book, look, shook, cook, foot.


Word of the Week.

This weeks word is ‘are’. Can you think of three sentences and three questions which use this red word?

Fact of the Day

Over 300 different languages are spoken in London.

Thursday 7th May

Good morning Squirrels.

I hope you are enjoying the staff story time on the main school blog.


Today I would like you to use your story plans to write your Naughty Bus story. Remember to look at each box in turn so that your story is sequenced correctly. I would like you to try and remember to put in your punctuation whilst writing. I wonder if anyone can use an exclamation mark and some adjectives?

This is my plan and my story.


Once upon a time the was a girl called Miss Dore. She has a bright red bus called the Naughty Bus. The bus was called this because where ever he went he got into mischief!

One day Miss Dore decided to go for a trip to the local zoo. She decided to take the Naughty Bus with her so that she could keep an eye on him.

In the zoo there were lots of animals. They saw a tall giraffe, a fierce lion and a wiggly snake. As Miss Dore was admiring the lion’s fluffy mane, she realised that the Naughty Bus had disappeared! Miss Dore went to look for him.

The Naughty Bus had driven off and had made some bad choices! First, he let the fierce lion out of it’s cage! Then he had released the wiggly snake! The animals were chasing visitors around the zoo, it was chaos!

Luckily the zoo keeper appeared. He caught the snake and put it safely back into it’s tank. The he caught the lion and put it back into it’s cage. Finally, he caught the Naughty Bus and gave him back to Miss Dore. Miss Dore apologised for all the damage the Naughty Bus had caused. The zoo keeper gave Miss Dore a lead and suggested that she should use it for the Naughty Bus.

Miss Dore walked back home with the Naughty Bus safely on the lead. The end.

I hope you enjoyed my story. Maybe you could read your stories to your family.


How did you get one with the seasons? Did you remember them all and put them in the right order?

Today I would like to have a look at the months of the year. These are trickier to learn because there are 12 of them. See if you can work out which ones are missing on my list. I’ve left some clues to help you.

Months .png


A skyline is the outline or shape created where the sky meets buildings or the land. City skylines are the shapes created by the buildings in the city. Have a go at drawing or painting a city skyline. You could add some of the funny shapes buildings, such as the Gherkin, that you would find in London. You could choose which time of day your picture could be set - for example it could be night time or at sunrise. Here are some examples to help you.

night skyline.png

Joke of the Day.

What do you call a bear with no ears?





Have a great bank holiday weekend Squirrels.

Wednesday 6th May

Happy Wednesday!


Today I would like you to plan a story about the Naughty Bus and the setting you drew yesterday. Don’t forget to add some naughty things that the Bus might get up to!

In my story the Naughty Bus goes to the zoo.



There are 4 seasons in the year. Can you name the seasons? Can you put them in the correct order?

Draw 4 trees and show what they would look like during different seasons.

Seasons trees pic.png


We live in a lovely part of the UK. We are very lucky to be surrounded by fields, lots of places to walk and to ride our bikes. Today I would like you to have a go at drawing a map of where you live.

Can you guess which area I have drawn?


Fact of the Day.

The Shard is Britain’s tallest building. The crane drivers who helped build the Shard were working nearly 305 m up in the air every day and could feel the vibrations from jet aeroplanes flying above them as they worked.

The Shard .png

Tuesday 5th May

Good Morning Squirrels.

Keep and eye on the main school blog for story time each day at 6pm.

Sound of the Week.

How many words can you think of containing the ‘oo’ sound?


Today I would like you to think of somewhere you would take the Naughty Bus. It could be a zoo, shopping, fair ground etc You could draw a picture of your setting and write a few sentences about why you have chosen that place.


Have you got your week planned out?

Today I would like to look at using some language that we use every day to say when we do things.

The words that we will be looking at are:

before, after, first, next, yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening.

Use a words from above to complete each sentence. Remember to read the sentence carefully and to re-read the sentences once you have chosen a word to check that it makes sense.

  1. __________________ I have my lunch I wash my hands.

  2. I won the race because I came ________________.

  3. I go to bed in the _____________________.

  4. In the ____________________ I eat my breakfast.

  5. We have our turn on the football pitch in the ________________.

  6. We have pudding ___________ our lunch.

  7. Today it is Tuesday. ________________ it was Monday.

  8. _________________ it will be Wednesday.

I wonder if you can write some sentences of your own using some of the words above.


Can you draw a fantasy city? Your buildings could be any size or shape that you want. How would people move around the city? Would they use jet packs or ships?

Fantasy city.png

Joke of the Day.

What kind of tree fits in your hand?




A palm tree!

Monday 4th May

Hello Squirrels.

I hope you all had a good weekend and managed to avoid the rain.


More details have emerged about the Naughty Bus breaking into Buckingham Palace. He drove at top speed through the hallways, leaving wheel marks on all the carpets! He knocked over a priceless vase which smashed into millions of pieces! He then chased the Queen’s corgis! Finally, he tried to drive around whilst wearing the Queen’s crown. It fell off and rolled down the stairs and now has a big dent in the side of it!

Today I would like you to make a newspaper report about the Naughty Bus breaking into Buckingham Palace. You will need to start with a headline - it needs to be short and catchy to grab people’s attention. You will then need to say what the bus has been up to. How do you think the Queen is feeling? You could add this in too.

You can use the template below as a guide of how to set your article out. (This template came from Twinkl)

Newspaper template .png


Today I would like you to recap the days of the week. Can you write a plan for your week? Can you order the days of the week? See if you can spell them correctly. You could draw pictures to show what you are going to do each day.

This is my plan for the week.

Monday - Post on the blog for Squirrels and film me reading a different book for story time. Cook fajitas for dinner.

Tuesday - Plant new flowers in the garden. Alfie is getting a hair cut.

Wednesday - Go for a short run and phone my Mum and Dad.

Thursday - Go food shopping. Make a cake.

Friday - Go for a slightly longer run and play on the play station.

Saturday - Cleaning and washing day!

Sunday - Go for a long run.

Sound to the Week
This weeks sound is ‘oo’- poo at the zoo.

Can you sound out these words?

too, zoo, food, pool, moon, fool, pool, stool, spoon.


Word of the Week.

The word of the week is ‘said’. How many times can you find this word in your reading books?

Story time

Fact of the Day.

This is the Millennium Bridge.

Millennium Bridge.png

When the Millennium Bridge was first opened, the motion of people walking across it made it wobble and sway! Engineers fixed the problem, but for a while it has the nickname ‘the wobbly bridge’.

Have a good Monday Squirrels.

Friday 1st May

Hello Squirrels.


The Naughty Bus has been very Naughty! Last night the Naughty Bus broke into Buckingham Palace! The Queen is furious!


The Naughty Bus drove away when the guard came. The Queen wants him found and arrested. Please can you make a wanted poster. You will need to draw a picture of the Naughty Bus and describe him so other people will know what he looks like.


How many words did you think of? These are the words that I thought of.

Maths words.jpg

Are you read for some word problems?

Remember to read the question carefully in order to find the information that you need.

word problems 1.png
Questions part 2.png


We are going to be having a look at human and natural features. Have a look at these pictures. In some of these pictures there are things that are man made - they have been made by people. Some things are natural - they are not made by people. Can you spot the man made/ human features and the natural features?

Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Royal Parks

Royal Parks

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

West Wittering

West Wittering





Fact of the Day
Some of the largest cities in the world are Shanghai, Beijing, Karachi, Lagos, Mumbai, Buenos Aires and Moscow. Do you know in which countries you would find these cities?

Have a good weekend Squirrels.

Thursday 30th April

Good morning Squirrels.


Today I would you to choose a toy and take them on an adventure like the boy in the book who took the Naughty Bus on an adventure. The adventure could be in your house, in your garden or out on a walk. Please then write about your toy’s adventure. What did they get up to? Hopefully they are not as naughty as the bus! See if you can extend your sentences using ‘and’.


Here are the answers for yesterday’s maths. How did you get on?

adding tens answere.png

Tomorrow we are going to be having a look at word problems. It is important to know other words which mean add as word problems don’t always use the word ‘add’. How many words can you think of that mean add?


London has lots of exciting places to visit. Look carefully at the map. Can you plan a day out in London? Which places would you visit? Plan to arrive at one of the stations and write directions to get to the places that you would like to visit.


Joke of the Day

Why was 6 afraid of 7?




Because 7, 8, 9!

Wednesday 29th April

Hello Squirrels.

It was lovely chatting to you all yesterday. Thank you to all of you who have sent a letter to school. I enjoy reading them and they make me smile.


Using the pictures can you retell the story? You can use the video from Monday to help you. You could retell the story orally first and then have a go at writing it down.



How did you get on with using a number line? Did you remember to jump the right way?

Here are the answers. You can be the teacher and mark your work.

Wed answers.png

Today I would like to have a look at adding tens. Last week when taking away tens, only one digit changed. I wonder if that is the same for adding tens?

You could use objects, number lines or do them in your head.

Wed adding tens questions.png


This is the London Eye.

London Eye.png

The London Eye is next to the river Thames opposite the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. It is 135 meters tall and has 32 capsules. It takes 30 minutes to go around in a full circle and you are able to see across London.

Can you build a model of the London Eye? You could make it out of recycling/Lego/K’Nex etc. If you would like a challenge you could try and make your model move just like the London Eye.

Sound of the Week

Could you have a game of hangman with your family using words containing ‘ow’?

Fact of the Day

In the 1800’s, London became the first city to reach a population of more than one million people. It was the largest city int he world until Tokyo overtook it in the 1900’s.

Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Squirrels.

I will be in school this morning. I am looking forward to phoning you all this morning.


I hope you enjoyed the story ‘Naughty Bus’.

Today I would like you to choose one of the picture below and to describe what is happening in the picture. Can you use any adjectives/describing words?



How did you find the questions from yesterday? Here are the answers. You can be the teacher and mark your own work.

6 + 2 = 8 8 + 1 = 9

7 + 4 = 11 9 + 6 = 15

10 + 3 = 13 11 + 5 = 16

15 + 8 = 23 17 + 7 = 24

20 + 9 = 29 26 + 4 = 30

21 + 6 = 27 23 + 5 = 28

12 + 11 = 23 14 + 15 = 29

16 + 14 = 30 18 + 13 = 31

Today I have some more questions for you and would like you to have a go at finding the answers using a number line.

numberline addition.png
Tuesday addition.png


I would like you to listen to some traditional rhymes.

London Bridge is falling down.

Oranges and Lemons.

Pussy car, pussy cat.

Ring a ring o’ roses.

Which one is your favourite? Could you learn it and perform it to your family?

Sound of the Week.

Can you use your phonics to sound out these words containing ‘ow’?

blow, snow, slow, show, know, flow, glow, low

Joke of the Day

What is brown, hairy and wears sunglasses?




A coconut on holiday!

Monday 27th April

Hello Squirrels

I hope you all had a good weekend.


We are going to be looking at a book called ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke.

What do you think of the story? Why do you think he is called a naughty bus?

Look carefully at some of the words in the book. Some are printed differently to others. Why do you think they have done this?



This week we are going to be focusing on the inverse or opposite of subtraction - addition.

When adding with objects remember to make 2 groups. One group with objects making the first number and the second group of objects making the second number. Then you can push the two groups together to find the answer. Don’t forget to count carefully! Remember when we add the answer is usually the biggest number.

Have a go at using objects to find the answers to these questions.

6 + 2 = 8 + 1 =

7 + 4 = 9 + 6 =

10 + 3 = 11 + 5 =

15 + 8 = 17 + 7 =

20 + 9 = 26 + 4 =

21 + 6 = 23 + 5 =

12 + 11 = 14 + 15 =

16 + 14 = 18 + 13 =

Word of the Week

This weeks red word is ‘today’. What are you going to do today? Can you think of any more questions or sentences using the word ‘today’?

Sound of the Week

This weeks sound is ‘ow’ - blow the snow.

ow blow the snow.png

How many words can you think of containing ‘ow’?

Fact of the day

There is a strange-looking building in London, nicknamed the Gherkin, which is 180 meters high. It gets its nickname because it looks a bit like a giant gherkin, a type of cucumber.


I will be in school tomorrow.

Friday 24th April

Happy Friday Squirrels.


Today we are going to have a look at the prefix ‘un-’. A prefix is something that is added to the beginning of a word. It changes the meaning of the word.

For example:

un + kind (someone who is nice helpful) = unkind (someone who is not very nice or helpful).

Can you add ‘un’ to the words in bold and see how the meanings are changed?

  1. Abi is being kind to Tom.

  2. Dad will load the car.

  3. Bill is sometimes friendly to Alfie.

  4. I am feeling well today.

  5. My house is tidy.

  6. James is happy.

  7. Climbing up the tree was safe.


How many words did you think of?


I have some word problems for you today. You can use objects/ number lines or do them in your head. Remember to read the questions carefully to find the most important information.

  1. Adam has 5 apples he gives away 4. How many does he have left?

  2. Miss Castle has a cat which has 12 kittens. She gives 8 of the kittens away. How many kittens does she have now?

  3. Miss Dore has 15 cakes. She eats 9 of them. How many cakes does she have now?

  4. Sophie has 18 sweets and she gives away 7. How many sweets does Sophie have left?

  5. Liz collects 17 eggs. She makes a cake and uses 4 of them. How many eggs does she have left?

  6. Chris has 24 cars. He gives 3 of them to his friend James. How many cars does Chris have to play with now?

  7. Emma has 27 tennis balls at the beginning of her tennis lesson. At then end of the lesson she can only find 13. How many balls has she lots?

  8. Grace owns a bakery. She makes 45 iced buns. She sells 23 of them. How many iced buns does she have left?

  9. Scott lives on a farm. He has 56 sheep but during the night 21 of them escape. How many sheep does he have left?

  10. Laura likes to read and owns fifteen books. She gives her friend seven books to read. How many books does she have left?


Did you find the countries that make up the UK?

Today I would like you to think about flags. A national flag is a flag that represents and symbolizes a country. Can you work out which countries these flags belong to?

Ireland 2.png

The flag below is the Union Jack. It is the flag on the United Kingdom. It is made up of three of the flags from above. Can you work out which ones?

Union Jack .png

Fact of the day.

The exact centre of London is marked by a plaque inside a church called St Martin-in-the-Fields, which is located on the northeast corner or Trafalgar Square.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Thursday 23rd April

Hello Squirrels.


Today we are going to continue with changing singular words to plural. Yesterday we focused on adding ‘s’. Remember that this does not work for every word.


Today I would like to look at adding ‘es’

Can you choose the correct word to finish these sentences?

  1. I have to clean the _______________. dishs, dish, dishes

  2. There are two _____________ in my town. church, churches, churchs

  3. My mum has lots of _____________. brushes, brush, brushs

  4. I blew out my candles and made two ________________. wishs, wishes, wish

  5. Shells are often found on ______________. beaches, beach, beachs


Can you spot the two words that are spelt incorrectly in this sentence?

We used our torchs to look into the tall bushs in my garden.


Here are the answers from yesterday.

15 - 10 = 5 11 - 10 = 1

18 - 10 = 8 16 - 10 = 6

13 - 10 = 3 21 - 10 = 11

24 - 10 = 14 29 - 20 = 9

27 - 10 = 17 30 - 20 = 10

32 - 20 = 12 36 - 30 = 6

Did you notice that the first digit in the number changed but the second digit stayed the same?

Tomorrow we are going to be looking at some word problems. Often word problems do not use the word ‘takeaway’. In order to prepare for this I would like to you think of as many words as you can that mean takeaway or subtract.


Did you know that the United Kingdom (UK) is made up of four countries.

Can you find the UK on a map? Can you draw a map of the UK and label the countries? Each country has a capital city. London is England’s capital city. What are the names of the capital cities of the other three countries?

Joke Of The Day

Why did the student eat his homework?




Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

Wednesday 22nd April

Morning Squirrels.


Today we are going to be looking at plural and singular. Singular means one and plural means more than one.

To change a word from singular to plural we add ‘s’ or ‘es’.


For most words we add ‘s’ at the end of the word.

Plural and singualr.png

However, this doesn’t work for all words.


If a word ends in these sounds then we have to add ‘es’ to make the word plural.

es words.png

Can you correct these sentences? Look at each of the bold words. You need to make them plural so that they make sense.

  1. There were ten chicken and two duck in the farmyard.

  2. Five cow were standing in a grassy field.

  3. There were three bird on the bird feeder this morning.

  4. The two dog raced to get the ball.

  5. The four cat were asleep on the sofa.

  6. The seven rabbit were enjoying the sunshine in the garden.


How did you find yesterday’s questions? The answers are below, you could mark your own work.


Today I would like you to have a look at taking away 10. You can use a number line/ objects or do them in your head.

15 - 10 = 11 - 10 =

18 - 10 = 16 - 10 =

13 - 10 = 21 - 10 =

24 - 10 = 29 - 20 =

27 - 10 = 30 - 20 =

32 - 20 = 36 - 30 =

What do you notice when you take away tens? Which digit changes and which digit stays the same?

Forest School

This is Big Ben.

big ben .png

Big Ben stands at the north end of the Houses of Parliament. Can you build a Big Ben using materials that you find in your garden?

Sound Of The Week

Can you work out the word that I’m thinking of?


Fact Of The Day.

The Romans built a town where the City of London is today. They called it Londinium.

Tuesday 21st April

Good morning Squirrels.


Today we are going to be focusing on questions. Don’t forget a question is something that you ask and needs a question mark at the end instead of a full stop. Have a look at what you already know about London. Is there anything you want to know more on? Write some questions on what you would like to find out about London.

You could go away and find the answers to these questions and add them to you work from yesterday.


Did you find all the answers to the questions from yesterday? Here are the answers - you could be the teacher and mark your work!

6 - 1 = 5 9- 5 = 4

8 - 4 = 4 7 - 2 = 5

10 - 3 = 7 14 - 6 = 8

15 - 6 = 9 19 - 8 = 11

21 - 11 = 10 27 - 13 = 14

Today I would like you to have a go at drawing your own number line and using it to find some answers. Remember when we use a number line to takeaway we count to the left and the numbers get smaller.


Have a go at these questions - they start off easy but get harder!



One of the most visited places in London is Buckingham Palace. This is the Queen’s palace.

You are able to take a virtual tour through some of the rooms inside the palace. What do you think of them? Would you like to live there?

Sound Of The Week

How many words did you think of? I thought of these ones.

high, night, light, fright, bright, sight and might.

Can you use your phonics to read them?

Joke Of The Day

What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?




A dino-snore!

Monday 20th April

Hello Squirrels.

I hope you all had a good Easter holidays.

Welcome to our new topic called Bright lights, Big City.

This topic is going to be all about cities and in particular our capital city, London.


Today I would like to know what you already know about London. Have you ever been there? What did you see? Have your parents been there? You could do this as a piece of writing or as a spider diagram.

IMG_5499 (2).jpg


This week I would like you to practice some taking away. Remember when taking away the biggest number is at the front of the number sentence. The answer is smaller than this first number unless you are taking away 0. You could use this rule to check your own work.

See if you can find the answers to these questions using objects.

6 -1 = 9 - 5 =

8 - 4 = 7 - 2 =

10 - 3 = 14 - 6 =

15 - 6 = 19 - 8 =

21 - 11 = 27 - 13 =

Word Of The Week

This weeks word is ‘to’. How many sentences can you think of using this red word?

Sound Of The Week

Our sound this week is ‘igh’. How many words can you think of that have this sound? I have thought of 7 so far - I bet you can think of more than me!


Can you think of a type of transport that you would find in London? Please draw a vehicle that you would find in London and maybe one that you have been on. You can choose to either draw or paper or on an electronic device using drawing software e.g paint or colour magic.

Last time I went to London I saw an old fashioned bus. Would you like to get a bus like this?


Fact Of The Day

Did you know that people lived in London 750,000 years ago! It wasn’t called London back then and it didn’t look like it does now. There were no busy streets or buildings, instead it was a boggy marsh.

Friday 3rd April

Happy Friday Squirrels.


Well done on your story writing this week. I am looking forward to reading your stories when we get back to school. Today I would like you to read your stories to your family. Reading your work to others can sometimes be a scary but don’t forget you are all very imaginative and great writers, you should all be proud of your work. Remember to use a big loud voice so everyone can hear.


Have a go at these maths problems. Don’t forget you may have to explain your answers!

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maths 2.jpg
maths 3.jpg

Fact of the day.

One million Earths could fit inside the sun!

Joke of the day.
Which chocolate bars are an astronauts favourite?




Mars bars, milkyways and galaxy.

Tomorrow is the start of the Easter Holidays. I won’t be posting any work over the holidays as it is time to rest and have fun with your family. Posts will appear again on Monday 20th April. Keep reading lots and enjoy the sunshine.

Have a super Easter xxx

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