Castle Craziness!

Hedgehogs started their new topic ‘Towers, Turrets and Tunnels’ and they have made an excellent start! We focused on castles this week where we researched lots of facts, learnt lots of new vocabulary and even went on the chrome books to design our very own castles. Year Two made sure they include key features of a castle such as arrow loops, battlements and even a draw bridge. Miss Hall has been very impressed and I think you will be too. Have a look at Hedgehogs hard working below and see what you think!

Hello Happy Hedgehogs!

WOW, What a week! It has been lovely settling into our pile of cosy leaves this week, with our very grown up and smart looking Hedgehogs. It is so lovely to be back with all the children for another year.

They’ve had their spikes at the ready and noses down working super hard on their English, Maths and adjusting to new routines. We’ve had so much fun learning, exploring, and making all things hedgehogs. Did you know hedgehogs can’t drink milk (Miss Hall didn’t)! Have a look below at some of our hedgehogs in action…

Year Twos first EVER trip!

WOW… what a day! On Tuesday, Hedgehogs’ ventured out and headed down to Arundel Wetlands as part of their ‘wriggle and crawl’ topic. We had such a splendid day full of pond dipping, bug hunting and very sunny picnic. Year Two were excellent and really followed the golden rules. Miss Hall was very proud to call them her class.

Year two started the day by going on a huge coach, which they were very excited about. We then arrived at our destination and the morning was full of activities led by special bug instructor at Wetlands. Firstly, Hedgehogs’ went pond dipping where they used nets and pots to catch a variety of minibeasts from a wetlands habitat. After that, we ventured into the sensory garden where Year Two went on a bug safari and explored a range of insect hotels, minibeast baskets and bug boxes. Then, Hedgehogs’ then had their picnic style lunch which was rather yummy! Finally, we finished the day with a walk around the habitat to see lots of plants, creatures and ducks too.

It was such a wonderful day full of fun, smiles and interesting facts. Have a look at some snaps below…

I Spy... 10 Butterflies!

This week, the butterflies have finally emerged from their cocoons and we had ten beautiful butterflies. Hedgehogs were super excited when they came in Monday morning as the life cycle of a butterfly had happened in front of their eyes. We seen tiny caterpillars change into bug hairy caterpillars and then into brown, golden chrysalis’ and then turn into beautiful butterflies.

The last job Year Two had to do was release them into the wild so that they could start the life cycle again in nature. The Hedgehogs’ were very enthusiastic to do this. We released them down in the environmental area and one by one they flew out. Some of the Year Twos’ were lucky enough to have them crawl onto their hands to help them fly away. It was such a magical moment!

Grams and Kilograms!

In maths, Hedgehogs’ have been exploring everything to do with weight. In particular, we have explored grams and kilograms which Year Two grasped very quickly. They have measured different objects using cubes and even used scales to measure flour which they had to make sure they got the grams or kilograms spot on as no one wants to much flour. So their mission this week is to help with some baking at home and use scales to measure the ingredients. They need to show off their skills! I think there might be some serious bakers in our class. Have a look below at a few snaps from the week.

I spy a… COCOON!

Hedgehogs have been super excited about their learning this week. Firstly, our caterpillars have transformed into amazing, shiny cocoons which we have loved checking on everyday. The excitement every morning has been very enthusiastic. They are now going to be transferred into the net to hatch. So keep an eye out for some beautiful butterflies.

We have also continued to have an insect filled week by extending our knowledge further on bugs. During science, we learnt how different bugs have a variety of parts to survive. Year Two also explored the life cycle of a butterfly which was very appropriate. Not only did we create our own life cycles, we got to experience it in real life. Finally, in English, have written our very entertaining ‘ugly bug’ stories which were a pleasure to read. Take a look at some snaps below and the very exciting chrysalis’ too!

We have new arrivals!

This week Hegdehogs’ have started their new topic called ‘wriggle and crawl’ and it’s all about minibeasts. They have really enjoyed it so far and have been keen explorers during the week. This week we explored a book about an ugly bug, been on a insect hunt and even drawn a variety of 6 legged creatures. Hedgehogs’ already have so much knowledge on bugs but are excited to learn even more.

We also had a very kind delivery of… CATERPILLARS! Year Two have been super excited about them and have been keen to check them everyday to see if they have grown. Each day the caterpillars get harrier and fluffier. So keep an eye out for updates on how they are developing!

Sports Week!

Wow, what a fantastic first week back and a very energetic first week back at school. Hedgehogs’ have been getting their hearts pumping this week and have been staying very active during our annual sports week. Everyone has been so enthusiastic, excited and keen to join in with all our sports week activities.

Year Two started the week with cricket where they played two different style of cricket. We defiantly had some brilliant batters and runners. One team scored over 30 points! Then our second activity was quidditch which was amazing. The children experienced what it would really be like to play the real game as they ran around with broomsticks and had to through the snitch through the hoops. It was great fun. Lastly, Hedgehogs’ worked with Mr Butler and learnt how to play spike ball which again they were brilliant at working as a team and catching the ball.

Have a look at the snap shots below and some of the Hedgehogs’ in action…

Yay Half Term!

Hedgehogs’ have worked super hard this half term, especially the last two weeks! Everyone should be super proud of their achievements and learning. This week, in particular, has been busy… we finished our biodegradable Science experiments, made shell ‘mood boards’ and simply just had fun. Below are some snap shots from the week. Now time for a well earned rest Year Two. Enjoy the sunshine and rest up ready for the last half term of Key Stage One!

Happy Homework!

This weeks blog is a different kind of blog… Miss Hall was so impressed with the Hedgehogs' efforts and creativity with their homework this week; that it was too good not to post. They had the challenge of making a crab in the most creative and original way they could. There was some brilliant sketching, collaging and even junk modelling. Each crab was unique! From the different shape shells to the variety of colours and sizes of pincers. Some Year Twos really captured the habitat of a crab too. We really do have a class full of amazing artists with huge imagination. Have a look at some of the homework below. Well done Hedgehogs!

Biodegradable Experiment!

This week, Hedgehogs’ got the lab coats on and safety googles out for a very important experiment. As part of our ‘beachcombers’ topic, we looked at polluted seas and the harm this could do to sea creatures. The discussions around the pictures were brilliant and Miss Hall was pleasantly surprised on how much knowledge Year Two knew. We then went on to look at recycling and materials that are biodegradable and this is where the experiment began…

Hedgehogs’ had six different materials (wood, wool, plastic, metal, food and paper) placed in individual test tubes. They then added sea water and a touch of vinegar ready to see which one will break down first in a weeks time. Hedgehogs’ were excellent at using pipettes, glass tubes and test tube holders to complete their experiment. The team work was pretty good too!

Year Two now have the job of checking the materials for the next 7 days and making observation to see if there is any movement…

The Secret of Black Rock!

Over the last two weeks, Hedgehogs have been focusing on story writing. They have had a week of planning and unpicking a story. Then a week of writing a story. The fiction book we have been looking at is ‘The Secret of Black Rock’. It is about a horrible rock which in fact is not horrible rock but a home for wonderful fish. It was Year Twos mission to recreate the story using their imagination to make up different characters and names for the rock. There was spiky rock, horrid rock and even creepy rock. Not only did Hedgehogs have to recreate the story, they also had to make sure they were using all the right punctuation, add adjectives and follow a story structure. Miss Hall was super impressed with all the stories and enjoyed reading them too. Below is a snapshot of some of the stories and the book too!

Shell Explorers!

Hedgehogs’ have had a brilliant first week back. They all are rested, motivated and ready to tackle the summer term. This week, we have continued our ‘Beachcombers’ topic and exploring different aspects of this habitat. So for science this week, Year Two became explorers and investigated a variety of shells. We were looking at the sizes, shapes, colours, textures and how each shell is different. Hedgehogs’ then worked in small groups to sort the shells scientifically. Some of the shells were really interesting, full of different colours and textures. Hedgehogs’ were great at working as a team as well as sorting the different shells into groups. We never knew that there were so many different names for shells!

Happy Easter Hedgehogs!

This has been such an egg-celent half term. Hedgehogs have had their spikes down and been working super hard on all their learning. We’ve done story writing, information leaflets, fractions, touched real fish, explored rock pools…the lot! Miss Hall has been so proud of every single Year Two.

We have been busy this week, celebrating Easter and raising money for Ukraine. Hedgehogs explored the Easter story, rolled their eggs, tried hot cross buns and did a brilliant job on the money trail too. They sure are ready for a nice, chilled 2 week break! Bring on summer term!

Whale-y Wonderful Writing!

After weeks of researching and gathering information on whales, Hedgehogs have finally had the chance to write their own non-fiction books! They have spent weeks planning, designing and writing their texts, making sure they have all the SPAG elements in the right places. They even added diagrams, sub-titles and special ‘did you know’ stars to give the reader more information. Did you know that killer whales are actually dolphins? Miss Hall was so impressed with all the hard work and outcome of the books that she thinks they could even be sold in a shop. Here is a snap shot below…

Beach Water Experiment!

Ohh nooo… Hedgehogs’ have turned into scientists! This week in science we tried to turn dirty beach water into fresh and clean water. Although we thought this would be super easy, Year Two discovered it was actually really tricky. They experimented with funnels, kitchen roll, coffee filters and cotton wool and had to decide in groups which was the best filter to use to make the cleanest liquid. Hedgehogs’ had great patience and perseverance, whilst working as a team, to discover the best technique. We are still not quiet sure which was the best! So we have decided to freeze the water and see if we can melt it and collect clean drips (who knows what will happen). Check out our beach scientists below!

FINtastic fish!

This week, Hedgehogs have be learning about lots of different sea creatures as part of our ‘beachcombers’ topic. They had a little visitor swim in… it was a real fish! Although this fish wasn’t exactly using its gills. Year Two had the opportunity to firstly use there nose and see what they could smell (disgusting was the word used), then had a feel with their hands (slimy and smooth) and lastly see the fish in real life! We explored all the different parts of the fish such as the fins, eyes and tail. Then used our knowledge to label it. Hedgehogs had such a fun and exciting afternoon!

Finally... Pirate Pizzas!

After having to wait weeks and weeks because of the storm, Miss Hall being on training days and then half term… Hedgehogs have finally made their pirate pizzas from last half term!

Before half term, Year Two had spent time designing their own pirate pizza, writing the ingredients on shopping lists and then making adverts with lots of adjectives. They then got to make the pizzas using different toppings. The pizzas looked very yummy and Hedgehogs said they tasted delicious too (why not try them at home)! We had so much fun making the pirate pizzas that Miss Hall considered opening a Italian restaurant with Hedgehogs! Check out the madness below…

It has been a busy week!

Hedgehogs’ have had a brilliant first week back and a jammed packed, busy week too. On Thursday, we celebrated world book day where Year Two got involved with a variety of book activities. We acted out stories using our drama skills, made bookmarks for reading books and even had Mr Butler come along and read us a chapter of Matilda. There is a snapshot below…Hedgehogs also brought in their brilliant world book day competition entries which Miss Hall was very impressed with.

Year Two also worked super hard during grounds day. They worked brilliantly as a team as we swept, tidied and sorted the outside area as well as having the opportunity to plant a range of new plants into pots. Make sure you have a look when you drop off or pick up but there are also some photos below. We have set the goal, this year, to keep them growing and looking fabulous!

A blue carpet!

Hedgehogs got to walk down, not red, but blue carpet this week! They got to sail down the sparkling, glistening sea with their pirate ship creations and show off what they had made. There was little ladders made from sticks, masts made from yoghurt pots and even Jolly Roger flags made from crisp packets! Year Two have worked super hard over the last few weeks creating their junk modelling pirate ships and this week we finally finished. Miss Hall has been super impressed with their independence, perseverance and creativity when making these. What a way to finish our pirate topic this half term. Have a look at the pirate walk below…