Thursday 23rd April

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all keeping well and working well at home and still helping your wonderful adults at home.

Tomorrow, I am in school and will be calling round as I did a few weeks ago. It was so lovely to catch up with most of you and find out what you have been up to! I hope to speak to you all =)

Today’s work:



Today, I would like you to do a spelling test. Ask someone at home to test you on the spellings that we have been practising this week. Always a good idea to get the person to change the order of the spellings to keep you on your toes! Good luck!


Please read for 15 minutes today.

Edit day!

Read aloud, your draft from yesterday, how does it sound? It may helpful to read it to someone else to get their ideas too.

Check your punctuation- is it all correct?

Capital letters, full stops, commas.


What could you do to make better?

With a different coloured pen, edit your work.


Look at the investigation below about shapes and the number of squares they have. Can you answer the different questions? You will need to be resilient and keep working at it!

20200418_212537 (1).jpg


Today, I want you to have a go at experimenting with trying to create your own version of paintings like those in the caves.

Here are some ideas:

-Find pebbles or rocks in the garden and make marks using the end of a feather, a stick or your finger to paint. Remember, they didn’t have paintbrushes like we have now!

- Use a straw to blow paint around your hand. First dip the end of the straw in the paint so that it has enough at the end and blow the paint onto paper around your hand.

-Use chalk to make marks, drawings and symbols on concrete or pavement.

Enjoy experimenting!

Answers for Yesterday’s work

