Hello Year 4,
I hope you’ve been enjoying a lovely half-term break, filled with fun and relaxation. We have been busy doing lots of walks, picnics and a safe trip to a quiet beach. Tilly has done some baking of chocolate crispy cakes with my wife, with messy results as you can see! :O
It’s not been all fun and games though, I am in the middle of writing 33 end of year reports - mwhahaha! Also a miracle has occurred in our classroom, my desk is TIDY, not only tidy but clear and clean:
It’s a Miracle!
Finally ,of course, it goes without saying that the classroom is a sad and empty place without you all. With all the new guidance and how clean and tidy (:O) we have to be I have had to de-clutter our entire room. It is now very minimalist but quite sad feeling. At least it will have 10 Year 6s to brighten it up on Monday. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your half term. Miss you Year 4 and take care, Mr. Ind & family x