States of Matter investigations and Climate Action day.

Wednesday saw the schools first Climate Action Day, led by Mrs Jesse and her team of helpers. The children had great fun with lots of educational activities and we chose our class focus. We want to reduce our climate footprint by turning lights and devices off whenever possible. This includes having a light and screen monitor in the classroom responsible for turning everything off when we leave. All the small changes can make a difference.

We have had a great start to our potions topic this term and are really getting to grips with the increased focus on science this half term. Thank you to all the children who completed potion homework, these have been displayed in our classroom.
The children did two different experiments with ice cubes. In the first they had to speed up the melting process. In the second they had to find ways to slow the melting down. We learnt about the uses of salt and how important insulation is.

In maths we have been measuring perimeters. We worked as teams to draw shapes on the playground in chalk.