We have had a great 6 weeks looking at our amazing topic “ Road Trip USA!” . We wrote postcards from New York, exploring the sights and taking a closer look at the Statue of Liberty. We discovered the most famous landmarks across different states and planned a busy five day itinerary jam-packed with adventure. We even learnt how to type emails to and from some of the fanciest hotels in the world. The last few weeks have been focused on Native American culture and we memorised some traditional stories off by heart. We even created our own stories and artwork so make sure you ask your child to re-tell it to you, possibly even around a campfire in the most traditional way! We also released our pet tadpoles into the nature area pond. A huge thank you to Skyla’s family for finding them for us and William’s family for caring for them in the Easter holidays.
In Maths we have looked at telling the time and working with money. Our times tables knowledge has been getting so good that we were even able to beat Year 5 in a Battle of the Bands contest on Times Tables Rockstars. We did not fair so well against Year 6. I hope everyone keeps up their practicing since the times tables check is approaching just after the break.
In science we explored simple circuits and made lightbulbs light up after learning about Thomas Edison’s discoveries. We also made our own push switches. In P.E we have been learning Ultimate Frisbee and I look forward to seeing lots of Year 4’s in my afterschool club, starting on Thursdays after half term.
I hope you have a fantastic half term and I can’t believe we will be in the final part of year 4 when you return! Our next topic is “Blue Abyss” and we will be journeying to the very deepest parts of the ocean.
Mr Butler