Hello from Mr Butler!

I want to say a big hello to everyone involved with Year 4 at Plaistow and Kirdford!

I’m so excited to be full time teaching again and to learn about the wonderful community here! It feels great to be back into the routine of school life after all the uncertainty of 2020 so far.
I have been a qualified teacher for 5 years and worked in a big primary school in Brighton for my first 3 years. I’ve since done 2 years supply teaching and worked at many different schools in all year groups between Reception and Year 6!

My fiancée and I have recently moved to Worthing and I’m still enjoying the drive to work amongst the beautiful South Downs countryside. We love travelling the world together and we are so grateful to have completed our big adventure through South, Central and North America before Lockdown began.
I look forward to meeting all of you soon!


Okay Year 4, today I have had an absolutely embarrassing day!

We are meant to be doing a fire alarm test in school next week so I thought I’d practise with my Year 6 bubble.

While they were busy working away on maths I youtubed ‘Fire alarm sound’, this was a bad idea.

I accidentally chose the exact sound as our actual school alarm, 5 minutes later, half the school were evacuated and the office thought there was a real fire…

Thankfully Mr. King turned my speakers off and realised what had happened…

In short, very funny but very embarrassing…. I think I’ve turned into the school prankster, my mum won’t be happy… Hahaha!

Happy Half Term

Hello Year 4,

I hope you’ve been enjoying a lovely half-term break, filled with fun and relaxation. We have been busy doing lots of walks, picnics and a safe trip to a quiet beach. Tilly has done some baking of chocolate crispy cakes with my wife, with messy results as you can see! :O

messy tilly.jpg

It’s not been all fun and games though, I am in the middle of writing 33 end of year reports - mwhahaha! Also a miracle has occurred in our classroom, my desk is TIDY, not only tidy but clear and clean:

miracle desk.jpg

It’s a Miracle!

Finally ,of course, it goes without saying that the classroom is a sad and empty place without you all. With all the new guidance and how clean and tidy (:O) we have to be I have had to de-clutter our entire room. It is now very minimalist but quite sad feeling. At least it will have 10 Year 6s to brighten it up on Monday. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your half term. Miss you Year 4 and take care, Mr. Ind & family x

Happy Weekend!

Oh Owl Class since moving over to Google Classroom I have really slacked off my blog! Shocking. So I will try to update it every week from now on, with a personal touch. I have to say it was really lovely to be able to scroll back through the photos of all we have done over the last year. I went back all the way, through the trade fair, electricity, potions and to the Romans and Bignor.

My father in law has one of the coolest jobs in the world (I think, and definitely thought so at 5 years old!). He is a train driver and he took this photo of the train he was driving from Chichester to Southampton Central, it is the Southern Rail tribute to the NHS. Amazing!

nhs train.jpg

Elsewhere we have done lots of walks as a family and I have tried to do less eating. Oscar keeps beating me at garden football (I might be going easy on him!) and Tilly is the mini menace as usual. I hope you’re all enjoying the bonus family time too. Missing you all very much. Take care and I will blog soon. Mr Ind :)

P.S. Can you spot me up a tree in one of the photos?

Here is a quick guide to accessing and handing in work on Google Classroom

Please note most of the time I will not be providing individual feedback on the work. I will be providing the answers the next day in order for the children to self-mark their work. I am absolutely happy to answer queries or make suggestions if they are stuck on any concepts etc. Obviously I (like all of you) are juggling with home educating and looking after my own children! So stay safe and kind and do what you can. :)

Welcome back!

Dear lovely Owls,

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely Easter break. In order to streamline my output I will now be positing all work onto ONLY Google Classroom for Year 4.

We are the first class to trial it completely on its own.

Please ask your parents to check their e-mails for instruction how to get on.

The classroom can be found at: https://classroom.google.com/w/NjEyNTI2MTc0MDFa/t/all

Password to join is: utidmrh

P.S. Make sure you are logged out of all your google accounts.


Hard work!

Happy Easter!

Have a lovely Easter break everyone!
Work will start again on Monday 20th April.
Please try your best to log into Google Classroom and familiarise yourself with how it works - I will be posting on here after Easter Holidays!

Friday's work




Now I’ve written some questions for you all to answer based on the opening of Chapter 1:




Now have a go at building some decimals of your own:


Maybe even write some down and compare them using more than, less than or equal to signs

> <  =

Remember that just because 0.4534 is longer does NOT mean it is bigger than 0.5 à always look in the largest place value column (e.g. here it is the tenths and 5/10 > than 4/10).

P.S. Don’t forget I am still setting a weekly competition on Times Tables Rockstars – this week we are taking on Year 6 – oooo!!!!


Thursday's English & Maths

Today (2nd April) is my grandparent’s wedding anniversary. It is their diamond wedding anniversary - how many years of marriage is that? Can you research it and find out? Here is a picture of all my grandparents on my graduation day - I miss them all very much. The couple celebrating today are the ones to the left of the picture. I managed to ask Buckingham Palace to write them a telegram and they also received a lovely message from the Queen.






Google Classroom

How are you all getting on? Have you managed to log in yet?

If you have any questions, take a look at the links in the Parent Guide, if you are still unsure and have questions about Google Classrooms, please email us at googleadmin@plaistowandkirdford.org,  please make the subject heading: Google Classroom Enquiry.

Good luck!

Geography fun

I had so many lovely plans for our rivers topic, and I was so looking forward to our trip. However have a look at this link to the South Downs National Park's Facebook page.


You can go on a virtual walk along the river Rother . 

How many small plants or trees do you recognise?

What kind of animals do you think would make their homes in this habitat?

What do you think that this river would be like in the summer time?

Could you go for a walk with your family near a river like this one and see wheat is similar  or different? (Only go out with your family, if it is safe to do so and none of you are poorly.)

Why not pause this video and draw or paint part of it and send us a photo of your work?

Or even better label it with some of the geographical features we identified. Can you remember the upper, middle and lower course? What about words like source, tributary, confluence, meander, waterfall, delta, mouth, estuary, flood plain, ox-bow lake?

river journey.png