Howdy! Work for Tuesday- I bet you can't wait!

So here it is… the moment you’ve all been waiting for… work for you to do at home! YES!

If you are finding any of the work too easy or too difficult feel free to look at other year groups blogs and have a go at any of their challenges!


We have been looking at decimals in Maths- If you follow this link

you will get to a refresher video- lesson 1 and a worksheet.

Watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheet or in your home learning book.

Don’t forget you can also practise your times tables at



Can you find the definitions of these words? How are you going to remember which spelling has which meaning- could you draw the word to help you remember?

steel/ steal

weary/ wary 

who’s/ whose 

their/ there/ they’re 






Apostrophes can be used for contraction (joining two words together) eg did not- didn’t

 or possession (when something belongs to somebody or something)- Miss Clark’s shoes are pink!

This video shows how apostrophes work for possession-

Practise using the apostrophe for possession. Think about who owns what in each sentence.

1) Peters shoes were dirty after the walk through the forest.

2) The policemans jacket was bright yellow.

3) The telephones ring echoed in the empty hallway.

4) The sunflowers leaves were starting to wilt. (more than one sunflower)

5) Miss Clarks bag was full of useful things.

6) The wardrobes doors were clinging on to the hinges.

7) The dentists office was full of people with toothache.

8) West Hams captain scored the winning goal.

9) The childrens school dinners were delicious.

10) Hundreds of people packed in to the hall to hear the Mayors speech.

Extension-Write 10 sentences that use a possessive apostrophe – can you include plural nouns as well?

Topic work

Have a look at the challenges in your red book- could you start one today?

Don’t forget …
