Friday 3rd April

Yay it’s Friday and its the Easter Holidays. I won’t be posting any work now until Monday 20th April.

Over the holiday it would be really beneficial to keep reading regularly and to practise your times tables using TTRS.


This graph shows the difference in price between buying an Easter egg and the chocolate bar/ pouch of the same amount of chocolate.

Amazing how much you can save by buying an Easter egg compared to usual chocolates when compared in grams.

Try answering these questions:

What scale is being used on the y-axis?

How much do you save on each product?

Can you put the chocolates in order from most money saved to least money saved?

If you bought every egg as opposed to buying the alternative, how much in total would you save?

0001 (1).jpg

What other questions could you ask about this graph?



Could you get someone in your house to test you on your spellings from this week.

Relative clauses

relative clause is a specific type of subordinate clause that adapts, describes or modifies a noun.

Relative clauses add information to sentences by using a relative pronoun such as who, that or which.

The relative clause is used to add information about the noun, so it must be ‘related’ to the noun.

Here are some examples of relative clauses (in purple):

Write 10 sentences that include a relative clause. I have put some pictures below that you could choose to write about.

Take care and I’ll post again after the Easter break!

Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning!! How are you today?


Here is a list of ingredients for scones. The recipe serves 8 people.

  • 350g self-raising flour, plus more for dusting

  • ¼ tsp salt

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 85g butter, cut into cubes

  • 3 tbsp caster sugar

  • 175ml milk

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • squeeze lemon juice

  • beaten egg, to glaze

  • jam and clotted cream, to serve

How much of each ingredient would I need if I was making them for 4 people?

How much would I need if I was making enough scones for 32 people?

Oh no! Now I’m hungry for scones!



See if you can find the spelling words in this word search.



Read ‘The Mysterious Case of the Eukanuba Diamond’ and answer the questions.

If you want to try one of the extension tasks as well.

Wednesday 1st April

Good morning Foxes!


I can see that lots of you have logged on and played Times Table Rock Stars recently. If you haven’t, have a go today to keep your times tables fresh.

Today’s Maths challenge involves you using your knowledge of times tables to solve a puzzle.

You might need to try a few different ideas before you get the correct answer.


Which numbers are not included? Why do you think that is?

Could you create your own picture puzzle for someone in your house to solve?



Find the definitions of our spelling words. Try to write the definition in your own words rather than copying it from the dictionary.


Have a go at answering these questions.

Have you seen Mrs Tappenden’s blog

Other work

Look at the Alchemy Island map-could you draw a creature that could live in one of the kingdoms? What features does it have which means it would be most suited to living there?


Tuesday 31st March

Happy Tuesday!


Multiplication pyramids-

For an explanation follow this link

Then have a go at these 2 problems



Here are your spellings for the week- draw the word emphasising parts of the spelling you find difficult to remember.













Imagine that you are an alchemist trying to discover a way to create gold.

Write a set of instructions explaining how to make gold- they can be as imaginative as you like. Don’t forget to edit and improve your work to make it the best it can be.

Work for Monday

Good morning lovely Foxes. Did you have a good weekend?


Watch this video to give you a reminder on short division

Choose a column of questions to answer.




See if someone in your house can test you on your spellings today!

Word of the day

Can you create a word of the day page for an exciting word! Think about synonyms and words that might pair with it.


Could you try another of the challenges from the front of your red book?

Friday work

Good Morning Foxes!!

How are you today?


Have a go at lesson 2 today -Decimals as fractions- watch the video and answer the questions that go with it.



Create a crossword using our spelling words- I have started one for you. Can you work out what the words are from the clues?


Direct Speech

Look at the picture. Write a conversation between the characters in the picture using inverted commas correctly. There are some hints for punctuating speech underneath the picture.


Superman swooped down and landed on the metal bar. “ Hey guys! Can I have some of that pizza?” he asked.

“No way!” shouted Bill, “It took me ages to bring it up here.”


Work for Thursday!

Good Morning-I hope you had a good Wednesday! Here’s your work for Thursday!


Watch this video on how to order decimals

and have a go at these questions : )

Extra challenge: measure 5 things in your house to the nearest 0.1 cm and put them in order.


I measured my coaster’s diameter and a key from my computer- what could you measure?



Look, say, cover, write, check- Write down your spellings 7 times each without looking


We have been reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at school. Here is chapter 1-

Listen to the first chapter and then have a go at these questions.


Can you create a portal in your house?

You could use paint, photos and collage or you could use the website we used in school!

Have a good Thursday!

Wonderful Wednesday Work!

Happy Wednesday Foxes!


Have a go at the challenge below

There are three dice, each of them with faces labelled from 1 to 6.

When the dice are rolled they can be combined in six different ways to make a number less than 10 with two decimal places.

For example, if I roll a 2, a 3 and a 6, I can combine them to make 2.36, 2.63, 3.26, 3.62, 6.23 or 6.32.

Now round each of these numbers to the nearest whole number:
2.36 rounds to 2,

2.63 rounds to 3,

3.26 rounds to 3,

3.62 rounds to 4,

6.23 rounds to 6 and

6.32 rounds to 6.

Repeat for other rolls of the dice.

Can each of the six numbers round to the same whole number?
Can each of the six numbers round to a different whole number?

Can you spot any patterns?

If you need some dice there are some online ones here



Try to use each of the spelling words in a sentence.


I have had a go at writing a description but I have made a lot of mistakes. Can you have a look and see if you can edit it for me?

You might need to write it out again.

Bonus point: Can you spot where I have used a fronted adverbial, a simile and some personification?


Have a good day!

Howdy! Work for Tuesday- I bet you can't wait!

So here it is… the moment you’ve all been waiting for… work for you to do at home! YES!

If you are finding any of the work too easy or too difficult feel free to look at other year groups blogs and have a go at any of their challenges!


We have been looking at decimals in Maths- If you follow this link

you will get to a refresher video- lesson 1 and a worksheet.

Watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheet or in your home learning book.

Don’t forget you can also practise your times tables at



Can you find the definitions of these words? How are you going to remember which spelling has which meaning- could you draw the word to help you remember?

steel/ steal

weary/ wary 

who’s/ whose 

their/ there/ they’re 






Apostrophes can be used for contraction (joining two words together) eg did not- didn’t

 or possession (when something belongs to somebody or something)- Miss Clark’s shoes are pink!

This video shows how apostrophes work for possession-

Practise using the apostrophe for possession. Think about who owns what in each sentence.

1) Peters shoes were dirty after the walk through the forest.

2) The policemans jacket was bright yellow.

3) The telephones ring echoed in the empty hallway.

4) The sunflowers leaves were starting to wilt. (more than one sunflower)

5) Miss Clarks bag was full of useful things.

6) The wardrobes doors were clinging on to the hinges.

7) The dentists office was full of people with toothache.

8) West Hams captain scored the winning goal.

9) The childrens school dinners were delicious.

10) Hundreds of people packed in to the hall to hear the Mayors speech.

Extension-Write 10 sentences that use a possessive apostrophe – can you include plural nouns as well?

Topic work

Have a look at the challenges in your red book- could you start one today?

Don’t forget …


Hello Foxes!

It is very strange not being at school with you today! I hope you have had a good weekend and I will start posting work for you to do tomorrow : )

In the meantime, here is the joke of the day

- What is the fastest cake?…



. SCONE!!!

Tree- mendous Writing

This morning in Fox Class, we enjoyed the sunshine and went to read our work out loud to the trees! We took our red editing pens and it helped us to notice any errors that we had made in our writing. We really liked spending time outside and the trees enjoyed our stories too!