Good old Year 6 have been working their stripey socks off and it is nearly time for them to showcase their talents when they sit their SATs next week. All we ever ask is for everyone to do their best and I am hugely proud of their hard work and commitment.
In between all the hard work, we have had extra play times especially for Year 6, fun craft sessions with Mrs Stemp, discussions about the up-coming Key Stage Two production (the evening performances will be Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 July), chatted about Bikeability (the week beginning Monday 15 July - everyone will need road-worthy bikes and helmets), agreed our summer trip to Littlehampton (Friday 28 June) and have generally enjoyed helping and supporting one another. Please could I kindly ask that parents and guardians ensure all letters and consent forms are returned to school as quickly as possible - it is a really busy time for us all, with so many exciting things being arranged; chasing up forms and replies can take up a lot of time so all help with this is much appreciated.
This week, I have loved hearing children encouraging others - they are a wonderful, kind group of children and the whole Year 6 team are very proud of them. We hope they have a lovely weekend (the weather is slowly improving), lots of fresh air and a nice sleep on Sunday night! This time next week, it’ll all be over…