Year 6 Thursday 30 April

It’s the last day of April. And I haven’t seen you even once!!! Boo!! (bet you’re all shouting, ‘Hooray!!’).

Here is Thursday’s work!


Yesterday, you looked for maximum temperatures for 10 cities (at least 10) in Europe.

With those temperatures, I would like you to do the following:

List them in ascending order.

Find the range.

Find the mean.

Is there a mode?

Find the median (that means ‘middle’). We have done all these things in class before. If you still can’t remember, a bit of a google should refresh your memory!

With the same 10 (or more) cities, I now want you to find out the MINIMUM temperature today (or yesterday) for each of those cities. Tomorrow, you will need the list of your cities, plus the max and the min temperatures for each.


Mark the SPaG paper (yellow folder, 3a) that you finished earlier this week. Answers are below. Then, please email me your score!

spag 3a 1.jpg
spag 3a 2.jpg
spag 3a 3.jpg