It’s the end of term!! Don’t know about you, but I’m delighted to reach this point!!! Today’s work is below here but there will be no work set at all over the Easter holidays. It is more important to spend time with your families (if you haven’t had enough of that already, haha!), playing in your gardens or safely walking in the woods etc. However, try to keep up with your TT Rock Stars (I can check, you know!!) and reading regularly. Reading at a difficult time like this really helps transport you elsewhere. If you don’t have enough books at home, see if a friend can leave one on their doorstep for you to go and borrow (safely, again) and vice versa. I’ll be back on Monday 20 April (I might not be able to keep myself away for that long so keep an eye out for occasional photos of my cats!!)
Here is Friday’s work…
Mark Reasoning paper 3… answers below. As usual, focus on the questions you got wrong. Did you make ‘silly’ mistakes? Did you miss out any pages?!?!?! (not naming names here but… it seems to be people with the initials JP that fall into this category. Was it something I said?!?)
Read the parts of the book from yesterday again This is important as it helps you get a real grasp of the story, the setting and the characters. Then, read the next few pages. After these pages, I want you to create thought bubbles for Bubba as he goes back inside the water tower.
What would he be thinking? He might have many different thoughts whirring through his mind. Sometimes, he might feel confident. Then, when he hears something, he might feel scared again, wondering what he just heard/saw etc. Then, he might try to reassure himself. Have a go. In the past, children have been able to come up with at least 10 different thoughts. They won’t be long paragraphs.. They are fleeting thoughts.