Thursday 30th April

Hello everyone!

I hope you are still smiling despite the rain! As Mrs Morris & Mrs Jesse will say, there is no such thing as bad weather- just bad clothing! I have been out with my family suited in our waterproofs and wellies! My daughter especially loves the puddles!

Today’s work:



Please ask an adult to test you on your spellings, how well have you managed to do this week?


Please read for 15 minutes.


We have looked at fronted adverbials before. Here are 2 sheets for you to have a go at. Try to match the fronted adverbial to the sentences. Next, if you feel like challenging yourself write a description using fronted adverbials from the second sheet.



Today we are going to put everything together from this week’s learning. Have a go at the questions below.

Extension: Can you choose your own number and do the same.

Thursday 1.JPG
Thursday 2.JPG


Today we continue to look at life in the Stone Age with the focus on the tools they used and made!

First, watch the following video:

Hopefully that gave you a good idea of what tools looked like in the Stone age…nothing like the tools we use today but very effective!

Can you research more into tools that were made and used in the stone age?


-Stone & bone tools
-Hand axes
-Stone awls
-Flint blades
-Harpoon points

Ways of using tools:
- Grinding
-Mark making

Don’t forget to keep notes and save pictures for tomorrow’s learning.

Have fun investigating!