Happy Wednesday everyone!
Miss Moss-Silverson here! How are you all doing?
I really enjoyed chatting to lots of you on Friday, you are doing so many amazing things at home and really being creative with your learning. Everyone is doing things differently which is absolutely fine! Every family will have a unique system that works for them!
I hope you are continuing to help your adults out at home, even making them a nice cuppa will make them smile! I am sure, like me, you are enjoying family time together- I have particularly enjoyed daily walks with my children and partner- my children have especially liked seeing all the bluebells!
Keep being amazing!
Today’s work:
Today please practice your words using the look cover write check method.
Please read for 15 minutes.
Our next challenge linked to the dragon slayer is below:
Challenge 3.
We have looked at writing recipes and instructions before. Write a set of instructions about how to look after a dragon.
Remember –
· You need to include imperative verbs. These are bossy verbs that tell us what to do
Eg, Open the door or Stir the mixture
· You also need to use time conjunctions – eg, first, next, then, after
· Make sure your instructions are in the correct order – you can number them.
· Be detailed and add plenty of information.
Using our knowledge of place value, today we will be looking at different ways of showing 3-digit numbers.
Remember that 3 digit number are made up of a certain number of 100s, 10s and 1s.
Below, you can see the different ways of showing the number 253
Dienes representation of 253
Counter representation of 253
Part, part whole representation of 253
Have a go at representing the following numbers with Counters, part part whole model and dienes.
1. 154
2. 512
3. 899
Can you choose your own numbers to represent with your favourite method?
So you know, I love Music and have really missed having the opportunity to hear your lovely singing at school. We haven’t been able to do any home music lessons so far but today we are!
The link below will take you to a website where you can watch a Teacher teaching you all about Pulse, you’ll have a chance to have a go as it is really interactive and it will always give you ideas of how to do more Music at home!