Well-being Week Day 2

Today we talked about worries as part of our well-being week activity. We spent time discussing the difference between a worry and a problem. We talked about how a problem is a one off thing that happens but although it might upset us we can sort it out, often with a teacher if we are at school, fairly quickly. For example, someone knocks us over, they say sorry and it is finished. We then discussed how a worry is something that ‘hangs in our mind’ and makes us feel upset and anxious a lot. The children also identified how this can be something that can be difficult to talk about or know how to fix. We then created our helping hands. We drew around our hands and then identified adults (and some friends) who we trust and could talk to when we are worried, for example teachers at school and mum and dad at home. It was lovely to see that as well as adults they are currently in contact with at school, some children also identified previous teachers they had been with as trusted points of contact. We wrote these names on our hands and put them in our trays to remind us who we can talk to if we are feeling worried.

Well-being Week Day 1

In Woodpecker Class we are really looking forward to well-being week. We started off the week this afternoon with drinks and a chat. It was lovely to see children chatting, crafting and laughing together. It was lovely to get time to talk to each other and I (Mrs Howe) loved that time to get to know the Woodpeckers even better. This is something we all want to do more regularly! Unfortunately we have no photos though because we were all too busy talking!

Our learning so far this term...

We have been so busy getting back into the swing of things at school and our new routines. Everyone has worked so hard!

While studying the Ancient Greeks, we have explored the Greek Gods and the stories about them.

This week we have learnt about Theseus and the Minotaur and thought about how the characters in the story may be feeling and thinking.

Today we are going to look back at the story of Daedalus and Incarus and design wings for the characters to use to escape the tower.

Friday 15th May

Another week has flown by!

Friday again which can mean only 2 things…

  1. Last daily learning post here- from Monday, you will need to log into Google Classroom to see each days learning.

  2. It’s the WEEKEND! Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Below is today’s learning! Have a wonderful weekend!



We have looked at prepositions before. These are words that are used to describe the position of things. Take  a look at this video to help remind you of some of the different prepositions you can have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byszemY8Pl8

Your challenge today is to design your dream bedroom and draw a picture of it . You can make it as crazy as you like, if you could have anything what would you have in your room? Then can you write a paragraph to describe where different things are in the room using as many prepositions as possible. Can you underline the prepositions in a coloured pencil?

Answers for the reading comprehension

Stone Henge comprehension answers.jpg


We have reached the end of our Addition and Subtraction learning this week.

Choose your level of challenge to complete the calculations and find which colour you need by using the key.

Don't worry if you can't print the worksheet, show your workings on paper and put a coloured box next to each.


Colour + & - MILD.JPG


Colour + & - SPICY.JPG


Colour + & - HOT.JPG


Today, I would love for you to have another Music lesson!

The link below will take you to the Oak National Academy where you will learn to sing a major scale! Enjoy!


Thursday 14th May- Maths Answers




Thursday Mild - word problems ANSWERS.JPG
Thursday Spicy - word problems ANSWERS.JPG
Thursday Hot - word problems ANSWERS.JPG

Thursday 14th May

Happy Thursday everyone!

Did you watch Mrs Howe's story? I did and thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you for Mrs Howe! If you haven't, it is still on the School Blog along with lots of other stories read by other teachers =)

Well done to everyone for continuing to work hard from home! Before we know it, we will be together again at school and sharing everything we have been getting up to with our families.

2 more days until we completely switch over to Google Classroom.

Have a lovely day of learning and laughter =)

Here is today’s learning:



Please ask someone to test you on this week’s spellings.


Today you will be finishing your factfile from yesterday, make sure you go back and edit it to look for any mistakes. Check your capital letters and full stops and there are no missing words.


Today, we will carry on with Subtraction, using written column method and looking at Subtraction word problems!

Choose your level of challenge. Again, if you think you may have chosen something too difficult or too easy, try another level of challenge.

It is always useful to underline the important information in the word problem.


Thursday Mild - word problems.JPG
Thursday Mild - word problems sheet 2.JPG


Thursday Spicy - word problems.JPG
Thursday Spicy - word problems sheet 2.JPG


Thursday Hot - word problems.JPG
Thursday Hot - word problems sheet 2.JPG

Wednesday 13th May- Maths Answers




Wednesday Mild- 3 digit subtract 2 digit ANSWERS.JPG
Wednesday Spicy- 2 digit subtract 2 digit (with exchanging) ANSWERS.JPG
Wednesday Hot- 3 digit subtract 3 digit (with exchanging) ANSWERS.JPG

Wednesday 13th May

Good morning lovely Woodpeckers!

I hope you are having a wonderful week so far!

As Mrs Howe mentioned, it has been so lovely to receive emails with pictures and work that some of you have been getting on with! Busy bees! I know we both had a huge smile of our faces when we were looking at everything. We miss you very much!

Day 3 of Google Classrooms- I hope you are all managing to get on to it and see all the learning we have been posting. Remember this Friday will be the last day we post daily learning on the blog so please do let us know if you need any support accessing the classroom.

Don't forget that Mrs Howe is reading the bedtime story on the school blog tonight so tune in to find out what story she is reading. I can't wait =)

Here is today’s work:



Please use the Look Cover Write Check method today to practise your spellings


Today and tomorrow you will be writing your factfile. Make sure you write up informative paragraphs and include pictures and diagrams. I have also added a different example for you if it is helpful.

further factfile example.jpg


Today, we will be starting to look at Subtraction! As I said on Monday, we will be focusing on the written method for solving subtraction calculations.

As with the Addition learning on Monday, first please look at the input slides before the task. Choose your level of challenge and don't be afraid to change your mind if you find the task you have chosen too tricky or too easy- just stop and give another task a go.


Wednesday Mild- 3 digit subtract 2 digit.JPG


Wednesday Spicy- 3 digit subtract 3 digit (with exchanging).JPG


Wednesday Hot- 3 digit subtract 3 digit (with exchanging).JPG


I hope you enjoyed researching patterns and symbols last week.

Over today and tomorrow, I would like you to have a go at the following:

We carrying on with this work, using all the things you found out! I would like you to experiment with different types of drawing materials to create pictures of some of the patterns and symbols you have discovered.

Some ideas:

-Use a black marker or felt tip to recreate the bold patterns and symbols on paper or smooth pebbles. -Use chalk and draw the symbols outside on concrete floor or walls (with adults permission, of course!)
-Use paint to experiment will the shapes you found in your research.
-Sketch ideas onto paper with a pencil.

Why not create your own patterns and symbols! Don’t forget to take pictures of your creations if you aren’t working in your home learning book. I can’t wait to see your wonderful creations!

Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning Woodpeckers! We are on day 2 of Google Classrooms - if you aren’t looking there already please take a look today. Later on today please do watch the Book at Bedtime because I am reading it! I really hope you enjoy it if you get a chance to watch. Have fun today!



Please look your spellings up in a dictionary and try to use them in sentences that make sense.


We are going to be writing a factfile on StoneHenge with lots of important information about it. We have written factfiles before but to remind you:

You need to include:

·         An introduction

·         Subheadings

·         Informative paragraphs full of facts

·         Pictures with captions

·         Diagrams with labels

Today we will be planning what you want to write. Can you choose the subheadings you want to write about (choose from 3-5) and choose which information you want to put in each one. You might want to colour code your notes or briefly re-write a few bullet points to show which information you want to include.

If you feel you want to make a start, have a go at your introduction.

I have also added an example factfile to help you.

Factfile example.jpg


Carrying on from yesterday, today we are looking at using column addition to solve word problems!

If you are feeling up to the challenge- choose your level of challenge to create your own word problem! Make sure you have worked out the answer to it too!

Monday 11th May- Maths Answers




Monday Maths- Mild (2 digit add 2 digit) ANSWERS.JPG
Monday Maths- Hot (3 digit add 3 digit with carrying) ANSWERS.JPG

Monday 11th May

Hi Woodpeckers! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are all refreshed ready for another week! It is our first week on google classrooms this week so please do go take a look and see if you can find the work there. We will still be posting work on the blog this week while you get used to Google Classrooms but if possible please do use that instead.



This week our spellings are using the ‘ous’ ending. They are listed below in Spicy and Mild flavours as before. Please choose the set that would be challenging for you.

Spicy spellings!










Mild spellings!









Writing and Reading

This week we are going to be investigating Stone Henge. We will be combining reading and writing today.

Have a look at the Stonehenge Website to investigate Stone Henge at https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/stonehenge/history-and-stories/ . Read up on the history of Stone Henge, look at the plans and what it is believed it has been used for. Make notes as you go along. Remember from our note-taking lessons before – you choose the most important points and DO NOT just copy down all you read.


This week we have a reading comprehension based on Stone Henge. It is posted today but you have the week to read and complete it, the answers will go up on Friday so you can see how you have done.

Stone Henge information.jpg
Stone Henge questions.jpg


This week we are focusing on addition and subtraction! In particular, we will be practising using column written method.

Today, we are focusing on Addition! Please have a look at the Maths input first, before having a go at the tasks.

Choose your level of challenge when deciding on which worksheet (below) to do.

Extension- Can you create your own calculations for someone at home to solve, make sure you are ready to check their answers! Good Luck!


Monday Maths- Mild (2 digit add 2 digit).JPG


Monday Maths- spicy (2 digit add 2 digit with carrying).JPG


Monday Maths- Hot (3 digit add 3 digit with carrying).JPG


Following your amazing successes last week (thank you SO much for those people who showed us what you have been doing, it was so lovely to see) I have another challenge for you.

This week I want you to find out about the Iron Age. The Iron Age is the last time period we will be looking at. The Iron Age people are also referred to as the Celts. To help you find out about the Iron Age I have given you the links below but these are only a starting point. There is much more you can find out. Please choose a different way to present your findings to your Bronze Age findings. It would be boring to do the same thing each time so challenge yourself to do something new :) This is another project that we expect to take you longer than a day. It will be for Monday and Tuesday but do feel free to take longer over it if you need to.




Friday 8th May- Google Classroom Information

Good Morning Woodpeckers,

As I said yesterday, this post is all about Google Classroom.

As of Monday 11th May, Mrs Howe and I will be uploading work to both the Year 3 Blog and Google Classroom. We will continue to put work on both until the end of next week (Friday 15th May). From Monday 18th May, all work will be uploaded to Google Classroom only.

After this time, the Year 3 blog will return to being used for short messages and photos as before.

Below, you will find a link to the Google Classroom Guide for parents which will explain everything you need know to access Woodpecker Class’ Google Classroom.

Each student has an email set up in the format set out in the Parents Guide below however for GDPR reasons we cannot list them here.

To access Google Classroom, when asked to enter the student’s sign-in ID, this will be in the following format:


To find Google Classroom go to:


Make sure you haved signed out of all other gmail accounts.

Password to join is: mabhhfy

I have added a screenshot of Woodpecker Google Classroom front page. This is from our ‘stream’ page which will show you any messages from us.

To access lessons, you will need to click on ‘classwork’ located at the top of screen, on the right of ‘stream’.

Woodpecker G classroom.JPG

If you have any difficulties logging on or accessing Google classrooms please email Paul Hannan on pkpsgooglesupport@plaistowandkirdford.org for support.

Once you have joined Google classroom, Mrs Howe and I will be able to assign work to your child. Occasionally work may be set for specific children where it may be more appropriate. For example if they are struggling with a certain concept.

Please note, most of the time we will not be providing individual feedback on the work. Mrs Howe and I will be providing the answers the next day in order for the children to self-mark their work. We are happy to answer any questions or make suggestions if a child is finding something very tricky etc.

We are hoping by the end of next week, everyone will have transitioned over to Google Classroom. Please do get in touch if you need support with the transition and Mrs Howe and I will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thursday 7th May

Happy Thursday everyone!

Tomorrow is a bank holiday so Mrs Howe and I will not be posting any work on here as we wouldn’t usually be at School on a Bank Holiday!

However, please look at the our blog tomorrow as we will be posting important information about Google Classroom in preparation for starting to use it on Monday.

Have a lovely, lovely long weekend…fingers crossed for sunshine!



Today is the day, you test you knowledge of our focus spellings this week! Politely ask someone at home to test you on your spellings to see how many you can remember! Good Luck!


Thursday: Instructions- SPaG focus- Adverbs


The link below is what would have been ‘Friday’s lesson’ if it wasn’t for the bank holiday. Feel free to have a go at the activity at your leisure.

Friday: Instructions- Writing a set of instructions



Look at these money word problems, can you find out the answers? There are 3 sheets and the questions get more challenging so choose the sheet that is right for you.








Today, I want you to explore patterns and symbols found in the Stone Age carved by Neolithic people into rocks, boulders, panels and monuments. Some of the patterns you find will have many similarities and other will be different.

Think about how these carvings might have been created- what tools? How were these tools used?

You could research art found in England or in other parts of the world.

Wednesday 6th May

Hello everyone!

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the lovely sunshine that has returned! I am very lucky to live so close to the beach and really enjoyed having a walk along the promenade yesterday with my family. It was pretty windy though, I didn’t have to blow any bubbles for my children, I just held the bubble wand up and the wind blew all the bubbles for me- they did travel away from us at quite a rate!

I am taking so many more pictures than usual of all the things we are doing together! I hope you are also taking lots of pictures of your family time and all the learning and activities you are getting up to! I am so excited for when we can all share what amazing things we have been doing!

Right then, on to today’s learning:



Please practise your spellings using Look, Cover, Write, Check method.


Wednesday: Instructions- Identifying and understanding features



Can you find change? Today’s challenge gives you the prices of items at the school fete. Can you answer the questions about them? There are different challenges levels so please choose the challenge appropriate for you.



I hope you enjoyed the Music Lesson last week, today I would like you to explore creating rhythmic patterns!

The video below is an exciting Music lesson for you to get involved in!


Tuesday 5th May

Welcome back Woodpeckers, I hope you are having a great start to your week :)

Today’s work is here for you!



Today, please look up the meaning of each word in the dictionary. Can you think of a sentence that would make sense with each word in it?


Tuesday: Instructions- Reading Comprehension- Word Meaning


This above link will take you todays learning.


We are looking at money problems today. Have a look at these. Can you add them up?



Please carry on with yesterday’s challenge!

Monday 4th May

Good Morning Woodpeckers! I hope you have had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the sun showing its face again. We are ready for another lovely week of learning.



Our spellings this week are using prefixes ‘il’, ‘im’, ‘in’ and ‘ir’

Spicy Spellings - Prefix – im, il, in and ir










Mild Spellings - Prefix – im, il, in and ir










We are doing things a little differently this week with English. There is a new resource from the Oak National Academy which has Teachers from across the country helping you to learn through video.

We have been consolidating much of learning so far and this week our focus is Instructions so I thought we could have a go at using these videos and activities to refresh our memory and help us write a great piece of work at the end of the week.

*Please continue to learn the spellings above as you do each week* There is additional spellings related to the learning in the videos and a mini test but please don’t feel you have to do these too- they are extra if you want to try them.

It is important that you do what works for you in terms of time focused on the English learning as you would usually do with any other tasks we set on the blog. As I have said before, every family will have their on routine and amount of learning time that works best for them, so do the best for you!

This week you will look at the following tasks:

Monday: Instructions- Reading Comprehension- Fact Retrieval

Tuesday: Instructions- Reading Comprehension- Word Meaning

Wednesday: Instructions- Identifying and understanding features

Thursday: Instructions- SPaG focus- Adverbs

Friday: Instructions- Writing a set of instructions

I will post the link each day but this is the link to get to the 5 lessons.


I am excited to hear about how you got on with these new videos and to read your instructions!

Below is the link to today’s learning lesson:



This week we are going to be looking at money! We looked at money in the Spring Term so this is a chance for you to practise your knowledge.

Today we are going to be adding and subtracting money.

Have a go at this challenge sheet – adding and subtracting the amounts of money. Choose a challenge level that is right for you.



This week you are going to be researching the Bronze Age. This won’t be something we expect you to do in a day! There are some links below to help get you started but please do your own research as well. Try and find out about what life was like – their clothing, homes, diet etc.




You can present your information in any way you like whether that be powerpoint presentation, factfile, information poster or any other way you fancy. Please make sure the information is clear and your work is neat and colourful.

This will be at least for Monday and Tuesday but if it takes you longer that is fine as well.

Friday 1st May

How have we reached Friday already?

I hope you have all had a lovely week of learning and hope you have a wonderful restful weekend.

Here is Friday’s work:



Please read for 15 minutes


A final challenge from ‘The Dragon Slayer’ is to write what happens next. You can choose whose point of view you are writing from but make sure you include lots of detail and try to include your fronted adverbials as we looked at yesterday.


For our Friday Maths learning, our focus is times tables. As we always talk about at school, it is so important to know you times tables as knowing each will help you with all your maths learning and the better you know them, the easier you will find maths!

Remember, in Year 3, we particularly focus on the 3x, 4x and 8x tables.

Today, I would like you to practise your times tables on TTRockstars- I have set a challenge for boys against girls in our class- you have from today until 5pm Monday (4th May) to gain points- let’s see who will win!

Don’t worry if you aren’t able to access TTRockstars, you can still practise your times tables. I have put a worksheet below for ideas.


I really hope you enjoyed exploring Stone Age tools!

Today, I would like you to use all of the information you found out yesterday to help you design an ancient hunting tool that meets the needs of a Stone Age hunter-gatherer.

Make sure you include what the tool is for and what materials you have used, remembering to only use material that would have been around all those years ago!

Material ideas:

Wood, wool, stone, and raffia.

Enjoy being creative! I can’t wait to hear all about your designs!

Answers from yesterday’s work


Reading from Monday:

Reading from Monday:


Thursday 30th April

Hello everyone!

I hope you are still smiling despite the rain! As Mrs Morris & Mrs Jesse will say, there is no such thing as bad weather- just bad clothing! I have been out with my family suited in our waterproofs and wellies! My daughter especially loves the puddles!

Today’s work:



Please ask an adult to test you on your spellings, how well have you managed to do this week?


Please read for 15 minutes.


We have looked at fronted adverbials before. Here are 2 sheets for you to have a go at. Try to match the fronted adverbial to the sentences. Next, if you feel like challenging yourself write a description using fronted adverbials from the second sheet.



Today we are going to put everything together from this week’s learning. Have a go at the questions below.

Extension: Can you choose your own number and do the same.

Thursday 1.JPG
Thursday 2.JPG


Today we continue to look at life in the Stone Age with the focus on the tools they used and made!

First, watch the following video:


Hopefully that gave you a good idea of what tools looked like in the Stone age…nothing like the tools we use today but very effective!

Can you research more into tools that were made and used in the stone age?


-Stone & bone tools
-Hand axes
-Stone awls
-Flint blades
-Harpoon points

Ways of using tools:
- Grinding
-Mark making

Don’t forget to keep notes and save pictures for tomorrow’s learning.

Have fun investigating!

Wednesday 29th April

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Miss Moss-Silverson here! How are you all doing?

I really enjoyed chatting to lots of you on Friday, you are doing so many amazing things at home and really being creative with your learning. Everyone is doing things differently which is absolutely fine! Every family will have a unique system that works for them!

I hope you are continuing to help your adults out at home, even making them a nice cuppa will make them smile! I am sure, like me, you are enjoying family time together- I have particularly enjoyed daily walks with my children and partner- my children have especially liked seeing all the bluebells!

Keep being amazing!

Today’s work:



Today please practice your words using the look cover write check method.


Please read for 15 minutes.


Our next challenge linked to the dragon slayer is below:

Challenge 3.

We have looked at writing recipes and instructions before. Write a set of instructions about how to look after a dragon.

Remember –

·        You need to include imperative verbs. These are bossy verbs that tell us what to do

Eg, Open the door   or   Stir the mixture

·        You also need to use time conjunctions – eg, first, next, then, after

·        Make sure your instructions are in the correct order – you can number them.

·        Be detailed and add plenty of information.


Using our knowledge of place value, today we will be looking at different ways of showing 3-digit numbers.

Remember that 3 digit number are made up of a certain number of 100s, 10s and 1s.

Below, you can see the different ways of showing the number 253

Dienes representation of 253

J's beans- Wednesday V2.jpg


Counter representation of 253

PV Counters 253.JPG


Part, part whole representation of 253


253 ppw.JPG


Have a go at representing the following numbers with Counters, part part whole model and dienes.

1. 154

2. 512

3. 899

Can you choose your own numbers to represent with your favourite method?


So you know, I love Music and have really missed having the opportunity to hear your lovely singing at school. We haven’t been able to do any home music lessons so far but today we are!

The link below will take you to a website where you can watch a Teacher teaching you all about Pulse, you’ll have a chance to have a go as it is really interactive and it will always give you ideas of how to do more Music at home!



Tuesday 28th April

I hope you have a lovely day Woodpeckers. I hope you are enjoying our new topic, I know it is one that I find particularly interesting.



Please use a dictionary to look up the meanings of your spellings for this week.


Please read for 15 minutes.



Following on from yesterday we have another challenge. Make sure you watch the short film from yesterday if you haven’t already.

Challenge 2.

Imagine you are Tarragon. Write an account of what happened in the video in the first person (I, me, we).

Use lots of detail and description.


Carrying on from our work looking at counting in hundreds, today we will be looking at counting to 1000.

Can you show the following numbers by drawing dienes blocks or counters, for example:

counter rep tues.JPG

289   =  □         □    | | | | | | | |   . . . . . . . . .  or


1.      362

2.      48

3.      125

to 1000 REP pic- Tuesday.JPG


We are starting a new topic in Science. We will be looking at plants! Today we will look at the different parts of a plant and the flower. Please have a look at the attached pictures of a plant and then label one with the different parts and what they are used for. Try to do this from memory after you have looked through the parts of the plant.

After this look at the parts of a flower. They are all labelled for you in the picture. Can you draw your own accurate diagram of a flower and label it correctly?

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Monday 27th April

Good Morning Woodpeckers! I hope you had a really lovely weekend and got to enjoy yourselves in the sun. We’re back for a new week :)

Today’s work is here for you:



Our new spellings for this week are looking at the prefix ‘mis-’ and ‘dis-’. Again we have a mild and a spicy option so please choose the option best suited for you :)

Spicy Prefix – mis and dis








Mild Prefix – mis and dis








Please try to read for 15 minutes.

Read this extract from ‘High Adventure’ by Sir Edmund Hillary. He was one of the people to climb Mount Everest and an adventurer.

Please answer these questions about it over the week.




As part of our topic of Tribal Tales, a time where myths and legends seem real, we are going to be looking this week at a short film on dragons.

Watch the short film that can be found here called ‘The Dragon Slayer’ https://www.literacyshed.com/dragonslayer.html

Challenge 1.

Concentrate on the figure of Tarragon. Can you write a description of him?

Make sure you use lots of detail and description.

Use :

·        Expanded noun phrases

·        Similes

·        Metaphors


Over this week, we will be recapping our knowledge of Place Value, looking at Hundreds, Tens and Ones.

As you know, everyone learns differently and has a preferred method of working in Maths. For Place Value, we practise a range of methods so you can choose which is the best method for you!

When working out problems in Place Value, we can use counters, part, part whole method and Dienes (chips and peas!) You may not have the same things as we have at school but you can always draw your working, for example:

25 could be drawn like this:   ||  …..

Today, we are looking at counting in hundreds!

Watch the video to remind you about place value: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4FXl4zb3E4

Have a look at the questions below, read each carefully and write the answers.

A little reminder…

A little reminder…

Monday 1.JPG
Monday 2.JPG


Last term in Science we were looking at light. One thing we can investigate to do with light is shadows. Shadows are formed when light is blocked by an object.

Can you produce a model of a Stone Age house. This could be a lego model, cardboard silhouette or another way. When you have done this, with a torch can you use it to create a shadow of the house?

When you have managed this, can you work out how to make the shadow bigger or smaller? What makes a shadow bigger and what makes a shadow smaller?  Can you record your findings and explain them?

Friday 24th April

Happy Friday!

It is almost the weekend!

As I mentioned yesterday, I am in school this morning so keep a listen out for the phone!

Friday’s work:



Please read for 15 minutes today.


You have worked so hard drafting your information page!

Have one last read through of your writing. Are you happy with it?

Today is the day, you publish! It is entirely up to you whether you do your neat copy on paper or on the computer.


It is investigation day today!

Test out your mental addition and subtraction and try these magic squares. They get more complicated from A-C so choose a level you think is a good challenge for you.



Carrying on from yesterday, we are continuing our work looking at Stone Age Cave Paintings. Often the pictures we have found in caves tell a story not with words, but with symbols and pictures.

Can you tell a story through pictures? On paper, have a go at drawing pictures to show a story. Take your time to think carefully about what picture/ symbol is clear to show what you want to.

Ask someone at home to try and read your pictures.

Thursday 23rd April

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all keeping well and working well at home and still helping your wonderful adults at home.

Tomorrow, I am in school and will be calling round as I did a few weeks ago. It was so lovely to catch up with most of you and find out what you have been up to! I hope to speak to you all =)

Today’s work:



Today, I would like you to do a spelling test. Ask someone at home to test you on the spellings that we have been practising this week. Always a good idea to get the person to change the order of the spellings to keep you on your toes! Good luck!


Please read for 15 minutes today.

Edit day!

Read aloud, your draft from yesterday, how does it sound? It may helpful to read it to someone else to get their ideas too.

Check your punctuation- is it all correct?

Capital letters, full stops, commas.


What could you do to make better?

With a different coloured pen, edit your work.


Look at the investigation below about shapes and the number of squares they have. Can you answer the different questions? You will need to be resilient and keep working at it!

20200418_212537 (1).jpg


Today, I want you to have a go at experimenting with trying to create your own version of paintings like those in the caves.

Here are some ideas:

-Find pebbles or rocks in the garden and make marks using the end of a feather, a stick or your finger to paint. Remember, they didn’t have paintbrushes like we have now!

- Use a straw to blow paint around your hand. First dip the end of the straw in the paint so that it has enough at the end and blow the paint onto paper around your hand.

-Use chalk to make marks, drawings and symbols on concrete or pavement.

Enjoy experimenting!

Answers for Yesterday’s work

