Forest School Fun

This week the Robins went down into the woods with Mrs Jesse and built dens with different sized sticks. They weren’t just making dens though… they were making dens for special woodland toy animals. Mrs Jesse was so impressed with how engrossed Robins’ were with this activity. Robins used great team work, problem solving and creative ideas to make the BEST dens for the animals! Miss Hall thinks Robins’ should make a den for her next time… what do you think?


Mud Madness!

Robins have absolutely LOVED playing in the mud kitchen this week. Through sunshine and rain (yes rain!) Robins have been making mud hot chocolate, mud pies and cakes for Miss Hall to eat… yum yum! They have been particularly working hard on their mathematical language and using words like full and empty. Why not have a try at home…


FriYAY sunshine!

It's FriYAY today! So...Happy Friday to all my lovely, chirpy Robins!

Another week of fantastic photos of all of you hard working and I even got some videos sent through this week, so a big thank you to all your mums and dads. It really means a lot to see all your brilliant work and puts a huge smile on my face. I can't believe it is nearly half term and we would have completed a whole half term of learning at home. It's great to see so many of you on google classrooms and next week I will only be posting on it from now on. If you're still not signed up then please do ASAP. There have been a few learning curves this week but I THINK I am getting the hang of it. Hold in there a little longer...

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend in the sunshine. I am going to go on a bike ride to the beach this weekend and bring a picnic - wish me luck haha! It's been a while since I've been on a bike... I have said I will try take pictures and post them sometime next week if it go successfully haha.

Anyway, a little video to say well done below. Enjoy and all have a fabulous weekend with your families. Keep safe as always.

Sparkly squidges

Miss Hall x

Topic - Friday 15th

For topic today, we are going to think about our spiders again today and in particular incy wincy spider. Start by listening to the song on youtube with the link below and then play it again and see if you can join in and sing it with an adult. Can you add you own actions to the song?

you will need.JPG

Then, for our task today we are going to make our own drain pipes and wash incy wincy spider down them. Below is a picture/suggestion of everything you will need. You can be inventive and make your own drain pipe with our materials if you want to. You need bottles, sellotape, scissors, a plastic bug or home made from something and a jug of water.

So, I made mine by firstly drawing a line around the top and bottom of the bottles. I then asked an adult to cut the bottom and top of my big plastic bottles following the lines. I then attached these together, putting one inside the other and adding sellotape to secure them and you're ready to go.

Now go to a sink with your drain pipe, spider and jug of water. Place the spider at the top of the drain pipe and wash it away by pouring the water from the jug down it. Did the spider move? Repeat again but this time singing the song.

Phonics - Friday 15th

Start your Friday phonics session off with going through all our super sounds and saying them as you see them in the video below. Can you remember them all?

Then can you play a game of splat the sound with an adult? Fred is having a go with the big spider this week. Ask an adult to say a word from the boxes below and see if you can find it and point to it as quickly as you can. You could even time yourself how quickly you can say them all...

phonics - find the word.JPG
Big Blob shop.JPG

Our book this week was all about Big Blob taking Baby Blob to the shops (add picture below). Baby Blob was very cheeky and caused lots of trouble! Your task this week is to see if you can design your own dream shop selling anything you want. Draw and design an outline of your shop and then add inside what it sells. Make sure you have a sign. Have a look at mine below…


You are then going to write simple sentences below it explaining what it sells. For example - It has... In my shop... The shop sells... Remember to always have a go by yourself first and use you phonic knowledge to write the words. I look forward to seeing a Robin town full of shops. There is also an outline you can print and use if your Robin would prefer to work on that.


Library time - Friday 15th

So it's Friday and on Friday we have our Library time. So instead of Maths today, I would like your Robin to go and choose a book of their choice, hopefully a different one from the previous weeks. Go and find a quiet place, whether it is in a reading corner or under the kitchen table. Enjoy spending time together reading a story with your child. Remember to ask them questions and see if they can spot some red words!

front cover - Wild.JPG

My choice today is called Wild ! I chose it from our school library as it looked like it was to do with outside but secretly I think it is Mrs Jesse in a book. It's a short and sweet story but has brilliant pictures so feel free to pause the book at anytime and explore these. See what you think…Click play and have a listen.

Maths - Thursday 14th

For today's maths, we are going to continue thinking about time. We are going to explore and measure short periods of time in simple ways. Start by watching the YouTube clip of hickory dickory dock linked below. What times did you hear?

Then seeing as it is Thursday and forest school day we are going to do the tasks outside.

Ask your Robin, what do we use to measure time? They might say a watch, clock or timer. Then explain that today we are going to use a timer to see how long it takes to do certain things. Below, attached, on the different PDF images is activies/questions for you to time. You might have a sand timer at home or you could use a timer on a phone. Robins would enjoy stopping and starting it on a phone or iPad.

See if you can write answers or make a graph for the different questions and then write how long it takes next to it. Below is an example of how I set the results out...


Once you have completed all the tasks, it's time to write your own tasks and time them. Remember to get mum and dads involved too! Who can do the task the quickest?

Topic - Thursday 14th

So, Thursday is forest school! This means we are going to do our topic learning outside today. We are going make a minibeast obstacle course for our friendly bugs. No bugs will be harmed in the making of this. Make sure you have gentle and friendly hands. What is an obstacle course? Discuss with your Robin and see what their ideas of one is.

Firstly, find a basket, bucket or pot and go and collect some natural materials from outside. This could be sticks, leaves or stones. Have a look below at the different materials I collected.

Natural materials collection.JPG

You are then going to build your very own, simple minibeast obstacle course for a bug to complete. Below is a picture of my one. It has a starting line (leaf) and finishing line (another leaf) and a few obstacles for the bug to get around. In the pictures I have used a fake spider as I couldn't find many bug in my garden. Then I carefully found a snail and put him on the course but he went the wrong way.

Once you've finished yours find a bug in your garden and give it a go. When you're finished make sure you find the bug a nice new house or add it in to your bug hotel. Please be kind and gentle to our nature... no prodding or squishing the bugs.

Alternatively, you could just build the obstacle course and not get a bug or you could build an obstacle course for yourself and dress up as a bug. You choose...

Phonics - Thursday 14th


In phonics today we are going to finish our story ‘Big Blob and Baby Blob’. Before we do that, Fred would like you to practice some ‘igh’ words with him. Look at the picture to the right. Can you read them? Your challenge today is to see if you can think of 3 sentences with these words in. All you've got to do is say them or if you are feeling super clever then you could write them.

  • The kite was high.

  • I go to bed at night time.

  • That was a big sigh.

Now it is time to read the last 2 pages of ‘Big Blob and Baby Blob’. Have a look below to read the next 2 pages with Fred. Remember to sight read red words and sound out words that are long or you may find tricky. Pages attached below.

Page 5.JPG
Page 6.JPG

Wow, well done! It’s your turn to listen to the whole story now read by me. Click the link below and listen carefully to what happens in the story. Once you’ve done that, have a go at answering the last set of pop quiz questions.


  • What does Baby Blob grab in the bun shop?

  • Do you think Baby Blob likes being in the bun shop?

  • What does Baby Blob do in the bed shop?

  • How is Big Blob feeling now Baby Blob is asleep?

  • Did you like the story?

Topic - Wednesday 13th

For topic today, we are going to think back to the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. Find the youtube link below with the story attached and listen carefully to the story. Think about the different order of fruits and events.


You are then going to cut up a piece of paper into square and find some colouring pencils, pastels or felt tips and make you own sequencing cards of the story. You can make as little or many as you would like. Below is an example of mine which is the beginning of the story.

Once you have drawn the pictures, see if you can add simple labels or short sentences to retell the story yourself. Pick and choose which bits of the story you want to include but make sure they are in the right order. Remember to use your phonic sounds when writing the labels and see if you can do this independently when writing.


If you don't want to make your own pictures then I have added a PDF of simple sequencing cards from twinkl which you can print and cut up. The link to this document is also - If you use these pictures still try and add your own sentences below.


Phonics - Wednesday 13th

Oh nooo Look… Fred the Frog has been into my fridge and has written on my carrots! What a cheeky frog. At least this wasn't as messy as the ketchup! Anyway, I can see he has written some ‘igh’ words on the carrots - how clever. Can you read the words? I can even see a sentence... can you read that too? You could even have a go yourself with a marker pen and pieces of fruit or vegetables. How many 'igh' words can you write? and don't worry the carrots were still eatable after peeling them...


After you’ve had a go at reading the igh words. See if you can play the spot the igh sound. Push play on the 3 different videos below and see if you can point to the super sound igh when you see it. Make sure you say it nice and loud when it pops up. Did you get 3/3 right?

It is now time to read the next two pages of our book ‘Big Blob and Baby Blob’. Have a go and see what the cheeky baby gets up to next. Use your super sounds to help you with any long or tricky words. Page attached below in PDF form…

Page 3.JPG
Page 4.JPG

Lastly, have a go at our phonics pop quiz and see if you can answer some of the questions linked to those pages. Remember you will need an adult to read the questions to you and then you can tell them the answers.


  • What does Baby Blob grab in the hat shop?

  • What does Big Blob say?

  • What does Baby Blob grab in the chip shop?

  • How was Big Blob feeling in the pictures?

  • How many red words did you spot in the pages?

Maths - Wednesday 13th

So we have explored our daily routine and our weekly routine and now we are going to think about the whole year! Oh my goodness there are so many days in a year 365 in fact. But we are not going to think about all those days we are going to think about seasons and time linked to the different seasons. This links perfectly with our minibeast topic too! Can you name the four seasons? If not have a chat with an adult.

Start off by looking at the pictures below with all the different photos of the outdoors. Talk about each picture and decide which season it comes under and why?


Then look at the next lots of questions to the left and see if you can answer some of the questions with your adults. For example my birthday is in the winter.


Your then going to go outside and see if you can spot different signs of this season 'Summer'. You can either do this on your daily walk or in your garden. Make sure you use the sentence starter - In the season summer... To the right is an example of two children's conversation that they might have when spotting signs of summer.

Maths - Tuesday 12th

Today for maths, we are going to think about the different days of the week. Start of by listening to the special days of the week song linked below. Some of your mums and dads might recognise the theme tune...

Then your task today is to make your very own calendar. You will need to include a day card (M,T,W,TH,F,S,S) and weather cards too. If you were feeling really marvelous you might even add the date using numbers. Below is a list of things you will need and instructions how to make it.


Have a go at writing the days yourself using your phonic knowledge and drawing pictures for the weather. You might even add labels to the weather cards too such as 'sun' .


You are then going to change the days and weather for one week. Remember to use your names for the different days every time you change it and make sure you get the right day (I know it's hard in isolation haha). Here is an example of a little girls calender (video on google classroom so picture will have to do) made at home all by herself.

Topic - Tuesday 12th

We are going to become scientists today and make our very own Minibeast café! Start by making your own cafe sign to along with the food. I have made my own one too!

Minibeast sign.JPG

Our task is to find out which foods minibeasts prefer. Place plates of different foods including bread, fruit, vegetables, cereals, cooked meat or fish, cheese or yoghurt in a sunny spot outside on plates. Ask your Robin to predict (guess) the minibeasts’ favourite food and ask them why. Have a look at my cafe!

Minibeast Cafe outside.JPG

Let the children check the plates throughout the day to count any visiting minibeasts and add lines to tally chart (like mine on the right). Look at the results (Cake had the most visitors on mine). Were their predictions right? Talk through the results. Which was the favourite? Which was the least favourite?

Below is an example of a tally chart that you might create to count which food was visited the most. I have filled mine out to show you how to record it. Then use the blank PDF to create your own results.

Parent note: Minibeasts prefer fruit because of their scent and sugary taste. The children will need to be quiet when they go to the plates, so the minibeasts don’t get frightened! Warning: food might look manky by the end of the day so make sure you clear it up!


Phonics - Tuesday 12th

For today’s phonic session, start off by revisiting our super sound ‘igh'. See if you can say it in a loud voice? Haunted voice? Dog voice? I have added some pictures of words with igh below . See if you can sound the words out after you’ve said them. For example - night = n-igh-t. Can you read them all?

Green and red words.JPG

Now look below at the red and green words in the story. These are the green and red words that you will find in the book. So start of by reading these through to help with the fluency when you get started.

We are now going to start our new book ‘Big Blob and Baby Blob’ and read the first two pages. Take your time and use your phonics to help you segment and blend the words.

page 1.JPG
page 2.JPG

Now you’ve read the next 2 pages, see if you can answer these questions below:

  • What red words did you see?

  • Who did Big Blob go to the shops with?

  • How is Big Blob feeling at the shops?

  • What colour is Baby Blob?

  • Does Baby Blob look cheeky? How do you know?

Phonics - Monday 11th

Here we go... another week of phonics and everyone deserves a marshmallow clap for brilliant reading. For today’s session we have a brand new super sound again and a brand new book!

Start the session off with going through some of our set 1 sounds with me. Click play on the video and have a go at saying the sounds.

For our super sound this week, we are focusing on the sound 'igh’. This super sound has three special friends and makes the sound 'igh'. Fred has been through my pack of cards and found it. Can you say the sound ‘igh’? He has also thought of some words with 'igh' in them. Can you read the words?

Now we are going to think about our brand new book. This weeks book is called ‘Big Blob and Baby Blob’. This book is about a mischievous baby that can't keep his hands off things. Click play and have a listen to me describing the story to you and then see if you can answer the questions below:

  • Have you ever been to the supermarket before?

  • What can you buy from the supermarket?

  • Can you think of a time when you wanted something but weren't allowed?

  • What does the word toddler mean?

  • Can you write a simple shopping list with words or pictures?

It's Monday!

monday sign.png

Good Morning Robins,

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. My street had a social distancing VE street party and it was very fun. There were lots of afternoon tea, flags and smiles.

Below is a little hello message from me again. I'm very excited to be on google classroom and look forward to seeing who has had a go too!

I am also catching up on phone calls today. So listen out for the phone today…Look forward to speaking to some of you.

Sparkly squidges

Miss Hall x